Alee's Watty Emotions

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A/N This was @crumblecookie7337's idea, so I'm dedicating this guide to her. ANYWAY, on with the... guide. 


1) :* = Kissy face that looks really freaky...

2) :) = The obvious, smiley face. The  dude who made that was freaking awesome! On with the guide...

3) :( = Another 'Captain Obvious' one. A sad face.

4) :D = Extremely happy face

5) :S = Confused face. I always think it looks a little constipated, if you ask me! ;)

6) ;) = The face I just did. Winky face.

7) (lol) = Laugh out loud.  Duh.

8) :'D = Crying/Laughing. I do this a lot. 

9) :'( = Crying/sad face. I don't like this face... 

10) O:) = Angel face. I'm the complete opposite of this! >:)

11) :> = freaky face.

12) :< = another freaky face. 

13) B) = Sunglasses

14) >:( = angry face 

15)  b-( = beat up person... I feel sorry for him... :(

16) :| = neutral expression. 

17)  :\ = Confused/Pondering

18)  :T = eating. *cough* pufferfish *cough* 

19) O.O = guy with wide eyes. Freakish

20) O.o  = guy with one big eye. Still freakish.

21) :X = Lips are sealed.

22) |-) = The I-Need-A-Nap look! Very sexy!

23) (nerd) = What do you think?

24) (pirate) = Geez? Get a brain transplant or something?

25) (nerdpirate) = put 2+2 together... Sheesh...

26) :P = You know this.

27) ;P = Winky face.  

28) (hmm) = Thinking. 

29) (loser) = Loser!! I love this one!! :) 


1) (ninja) = The coolest thing ever! Me and crumblecookie7337 agree!

2) (mom) = Ya know, a person that gave birth to you.

3) (skull) = A bone in your head.

4) (emo) = A type of person.

5) (rapper) = A dude with a beard.

6) (ghost) = A flying sheet. :P 

7) (bender) = Bender from futurama.

8) (cheezburger) = Best icon since nutella!

9) (nutella) = Our favourite food! :)

10) (mikey) = A weird guy saying 'FURSHURR!' 

11) (brainslug) = Is what it says on the tin.

12)  (prosopagnosiac) = You guys are getting slow...

13) (letsgogiants) =  a guy with a hat. 

14) (genderbender) = Genderbender from Futurama. 

15) (doraemon) = A blue cat thing. 

16) (moto) = a builder.

17) (pilot) = A pilot. 

18) (r2d2) = A robot thingy from Star Wars.

19) *meebo* = Meebo! :D  


1) (m) = Monkey

2) (monkeyking) = You guys can't be that thick, right?

3) (tarepanda) = A small panda

4) (panda) = A panda

5) (sadpanda) = Are you sure you speak English?

6) :@) = Pig 


1) (r) = Rose

2) (w) = Wilted rose

3) $) = Money mouth 

4) (unlove) = Broken heart

5) (love) = A heart.

6) (*) = Star

7) (roll) = Um... a roll?

8) (foursquare) = Four squares with a ball in it. 

9) (sick) = A sick dude.

10) (party) = A dude ready to par-tay! (He's wearing a party hat! XD)

11) (y) = Yes.

12) (n) = No.

13) (ultimatefrisbee) = An orange frisbee thing! :D

14) (sarcasm) = A sarcastic face.

15) :!: = an exclamation mark inside a yellow circle.

16) (?) = a question mark inside a yellow circle.

17) (so) = football/ soccer ball.

18) (pacman) = a little yellow thing.

19) (pac-run) = a little yellow thing running.

20) (pac-ghost) = a little ghosty thing.

21) (hug) = give someone a hug! :D

22) (lolwut) = I have no clue. Oh. I know this one. It's a pear; with lips. :D 

23) (jj) = racing car

24)  (vw) = purple car. (voltswaggon?) 

25) (pnb) = Pizza 'n' Beer.

26)  (schroedinger) = I have no idea how I got that one...

27) (stanford)  = an 'S' 

28) (fail) = FAIL (hehe, I love this one!!) 

29)  (plaxo) = a 'P' 

30) :)>- = Peace!  

31)  (rockyou) = A little crystal!! :D

32) (bomb) = BOOM! Enough said.

33) (fingerblaster) = Darts? 

34) :arrow: =  An arrow. Duh. 

35) (grillz) = No idea.

36) (shaka) = shake?

37) (yoga) = Yoga. Obviously.

Alee's Watty EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now