Dick's Role

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It was a cold, windy night in Gotham. In a dark alley, lay a small, unconscious boy. The boy suddenly came to his senses, feeling each drop of rain on his face. He shifted and noticed his transmitter had been broken. Help was not coming anytime soon. Damian knew this, so he tried to get up. The pain in his side intensified and he doubled over. It was then that he realized he'd been cut deeply on his side. He had to stop the bleeding quickly, or any possible survival would be dashed.

It took a while for Damien to position himself against the wall of the alley. He was dizzy and barely conscious when he heard footsteps coming down the alley, towards him. He got a batarang out as fast as possible and put on a menacing face, which was only possible because of his extensive training. He knew he was fading though. The person stopped in front of him.

Damian looked up and saw a shadow of the person bending down. He slashed at the descending arms, but they dodged too fast and he was disarmed. The arms went under his knees and back and the little boy immediately used all his remaining strength to struggle. But in was all in vain, as Damien quickly passed out to soothing words.

Damien opened his eyes quickly and assessed his situation. He expected to see an empty warehouse or cell, but instead found himself in the familiar interior of the Batmobile.

"Grayson?" He asked roughly, glancing to his left.

"Hey Little D. We're almost to the cave. Hold on. Just hold on." Dick replied as he stepped on the gas.

As Damien lost consciousness again, he thought about how genuinely tense Grayson sounded.

Dick gently laid the unconscious boy on the med table. He got out the first aid kit and got the stitches ready. As he was about to start sewing up Damian's long gash, Damien shot up and would have crumbled to the ground if not for Dick's arms.

"Whoa, slow down Little D. I gotta stitch you up." Dick said gently.

Damian would have continued to struggle, if not for the feeling of lead in all his body parts. He decided that obediently lying on the med table would be acceptable this once. He watched every carefully placed stitch slowly close up his injury. The silence was suddenly heavy in the air as Dick cleaned up the bloody gauze and extra supplies. Damian was shocked to find he was relieved when Grayson finally spoke.

"So, are we going to talk about what happened today?"

Damian swiftly regretted his initial relief. "Nothing happened. I saw Two-Face running into an alley and followed him. There is nothing to talk about." Damian said nonchalantly.

"Ok. What about the part where you almost died?" Grayson asked, frustrated.

Damien's brows drew together. "I was just distracted for a millisecond. It was a lucky shot. Anyway, why do you care? You're not my brother or even my friend." Damian said darkly.

Dick sighed as he rubbed both his eyes with one hand. "Damian, do you realize how long I searched for you? Do you remember all the times I've had to stitched you up like this? Do you realize how much I care about you? Don't you see that I love you?" Grayson turned away from Damian to hide his watery eyes. "Don't you see how worried I was?" He asked quietly.

Damian was shocked. Grayson might be very open with his emotions, but he's never talked about love before. As Damian watched Grayson's back, he started wondering something.

"Why do you even care?" He repeated.

Disk turned around and wrapped Damian in a warm hug.

"Because I'm your big brother."

Damian let Grayson's heat seep into his own cold body for a few seconds, then tentatively wrapped his arms around Grayson. He let himself close his eyes and enjoy human contact for a moment.

Although, if anyone asked about it, Damian would deftly refuse it ever happened.

This is reposted from another account of mine :) Hope you enjoyed.

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