Chapter 5

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Raj stood there with a smiley face and a Confused heart
He waited till Kria was set free from the hugging emotional session

And when she was she walked up with them to Raj smiling freely - a thing which Raj was introduced just today by Kria as her situation was horrendous from past few days

Raj ,I want you to meet Rivaan,Nisha ,Jasmine,........

They are my childhood friends and of course dancers

Did she say dancers ? His mind caught up something but that didn't demand thinking on airport so he just exchanged pleasantries with them

He noticed Kria was happy if possible even more than when she woke him up and he for some reason was more happier than her
Maybe because she has turned out so close to me  he thought not stressing his brain much

He had to save all his intelligence for future and that he knew could make or break his life
It's the biggest chase and he is gonna put his HEART to it to her

On the way while Nisha pulled jasmine aside while Raj was ahead and the boys were talking to Kria
Are you gonna talk to Raj about Kria ? She questioned Jas eyeing others
Yes of course he is the only one RAY of hope for us
Nish frowned at the use of the word ray whatever the spelling be ,that word is the most irritating in whole world to her.

So plenty of questions will be bounced at me
1.Raj's feelings
2.What is that thing he wanna save his intelligence for ?
3.What did the girls wanted to talk  with Raj for ?

And congrats me 😝 I have the shortest update of all of my works combined 😂
Itna hi milega 🙋

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