cAged BirD

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"I have some murky frames in my mind

I am trying hard but dis traces of memory are jst messing up.

A lightning i guess' and nxt thing i could figure out was a Cage!

My Life now is just like a caged bird!

I have got preety wings but tied tightly together.

I want to fly' but m not allowed to!

I want to get rid of dis cage' but m not allowed to!

I want to touch d sky, beyond horizon' but m not allowed to!

I too want to be  friends' want to make love, but m not allowed to!

I want to be free' break d chains' but am not allowed to!

I just want to inhale the fresh air, feel d breeze' but m jst not allowed to!

I am so exhausted giving fight dt i wana die' But again m not allowed to!

One fine day when i'll be on verge of loosing my breaths'

This jerks will say Go Fly, Live, Make Friends, Make Love, Feel d World!

Thats when i'll say Naaahhh"Afterall m a Caged Bird! I am not allowed to!!!"

cAged BirDWhere stories live. Discover now