Chapter Sixteen; Growing

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*Dacota's POV*

My breathing becomes ragged as we pull into our driveway. Yep, I'm definitely sick, now.

"Mom, I can take care of myself. I know you have an important job, you need to go back. I'll be fine." I say to her as I climb out of the car.

"Are you sure? I can stay for an hour, if you'd li-"

"No, Mom," I cut her off. "Seriously, I'll be OK."

"Alright. Call me if you get sick, I'll bring you some ginger ale and meds when I get home."


"Which might not be late tonight, so-"


"OK, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going now. Be careful, don't eat too much-"

"Mom, you have lives to save."

"Right, of course. I'll be going now." She slowly drifted out of the garage, still staring intently at me, as if I would implode on the spot and she would be the only one to save me. Once she was far enough out on the driveway, I pressed a button near the garage door, which slowly sunk back into the cement, closing off the view to the outside world and my mother. I went inside, throwing my backpack on the counter top. I slid my phone from my jacket pocket, and instantly wished I hadn't.

From Harold

Call me after school, please

I had opened the text message, so he probably knew I read it.

'Curse you, Steve Jobs and your stalking technology!' I muttered to myself. I guess there was only one thing to do, and that was to respond.

To Harold

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. That was a stupid thing to do and I totally understand if you don't wanna be acquainted with me, I wouldn't. That was such an idiot move on my part, and I shouldn't have done it. I was stupid and I take it back. I was just thankful for having my first real friend, and I realize this probably sounds really pathetic, we've only known each other for two days and I go and kiss you and call you my friend. Just lose this number and go to a different school or something, I'm too embarrassed to see you anymore.

And send.

*Harry's POV*

When I got Cody's message, I was sitting in the bathroom, skipping class. It was boring without her, so why go at all? Her text broke my heart and even made a tear spring to my eye. She was that embarrassed by me? I didn't know I was that bad...I stood from the toilet and unlocked my door. I ran out of the bathroom and towards the back exit, where my car was parked. I slide into it and bolt out of the parking lot, probably breaking the speeding limit. I had remembered where she lived, and I was going to see her.

*Dacota's POV*

I was laying on the couch, on my Twitter feed.

'OMG, @DacotyBoo is SOOOOOoooooOOOO ugly!'

That's true, which is why Harry is so embarrassed by me.

'Wow, why won't @DacotyBoo just leave Harry's life, like ugh'

I wish I could.


Well...Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Knowing my mom would tell me to ignore him until he goes away, I stay on the couch, locking my phone. Did he leave?

Knock, knock, knock.

Nope. Nobody's home, dude.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

Seriously? Nobody is present in this household!

"Cody, I know you're in there!" Oh. It was Harry. Against my will, my legs stood from the couch and made their way to the door. I slowly opened, revealing a distraught-looking Harry. "Dacota! Thank God, I thought I would be out here for awhile, and it's not exactly warm out here. Can I please come in?" He looked so innocent, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but my mommy told me not to let strange men in the house." I said, sounding like a little kid. He smiled a little, but it was an apologetic smile.

"Honestly, Cody, all this for a little kiss on the cheek?" he asked, raising his arms then letting them fall again.

My cheeks began to heat, and I muttered, "I know, that was just really embarrassing. I thought you'd be disgusted by me, I still do." I looked to the hard-cement porch floor.

"Well, I wasn't." I look up to see his eyes where mine were focused on previously.

"You skipped school just to tell me this? You couldn't have happened to text me this?" I ask him, smiling in incredulous awe. He nodded slowly, still interested in the ground.

"I didn't think it would be as meaningful, I guess." he mutters. "And I know I've only known you for two plus days, but you've really grown on me, Cody. You really have. Faster than any of the guys have. So, thank you." He looks up at me, and I could feel my eyes watering.

"You're certainly welcome." I say, my voice cracking. He opens up his arms and I fall into him. He squeezes my shoulders and I squeeze back. Why was I embarrassed again?

Oh, yeah.

A kiss on the cheek. Which Harry was doing right now. To me. Hm.


Oh, my goodness, that took forever to write it seems.


I make my own heart hurt, I swear.


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