A breathe in the darkness

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Authors Note

My name is toinette but you can call me toy-toy for short this is my first book and its the first time its being written over. Hope you likes it and don't be afraid to comment your feelings on the book. So here we go!

Chapter un

Hi there my name is Jessica but you can call me jessie for short. I am sixteen years old. I have no real family well blood related family. I'm a member of the Golden Emerald pack and yes I'm a werewolf. I'm an outspoken loud person once you get to know me that is. I don't have many friends. I am popular though but not in the good way. I am know around the pack as a dirty, sluty, insignificant, trash, waste of space. Well first things first I wouldn't be so frigging dirty if they would allow me to take a bath or shower everyday! Secondly I'm not sluty I only were the clothes they give me if you can even count the scraps of cloth clothes, but I some how manage to make it work. Thirdly insignificant who in the hell do you think is be doing algyl your damn science projects, cooking your dinners, snacks, preparing picnic baskets for when you guys want to go out and who in the hell do you think is be washing your clothes. All 700 loads of them daily. Plus keep up with your busy schedules and diet plans. *sighs* I take care of them more than I do myself. Fourthly I am not trash to you it may seem like it but I'm a smart girl I make a 4.00 gpa each year. Plus I'm at the top of my class. Fifthly a waste of space I'm as skiny as a stick because you guys barely feed me. I take up less space than one of the five year old pups and they get fed everyday including snack. *huffs* Okok enough about my problems and what not. I've always had this fantasy of finding my mate and he would be the one to love, protect, suppourt, and comfort you. But I don't know about that now. We are supposed to find our mates when we are seventeen but I don't think I'll be able to find him. Well my birthday is two months and a half away. May 26th to be exact, but the alpha to be is throwing a ball inviting packs from all over to come over and guess what day he happens to fricking choose my birthday. I swear ever since I've joined this pack he's done everything in his power to hurt me in some sort of way.


I was running through the forest alone. I don't know what I was running from but I knew I was damn running. I was ten years old. Running as fast as my legs would carry me. I whatched as trees blured past me I must've crossed some border cause the next thing  I knew I was runing straight through a party or something because a lot and when I say a lot I mean it there were people spread across something like a field. They started snarling and growling at me. I started to run even faster they shifted into wolves and chased after me I kept running and running like there was no tommorow. They still couldn't catch me I ran and ran further only slowing down a little bit. I mean big grown arse wolves couldn't catch me I should feel achieved. I kept running not.paying attention to where I was going. I bucked into a huge and when I say huge I mean huge wall or so I thought it was. I fell like a whole foot away from where I felt the wall. I got up and brushed myself off. As I looked up I my eyes met the eyes of a feirce man. He was around 6ft 5inches . He had piercing gray eyes that were filled with sadness. He had sharp features and broad shoulders. He walked up to me and asked me a question "What are you doing on my land rogue?" I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. At that moment heard a lound ferral growl. I did the most smartest thing possible I let out a high pitched scream and ran behind the tall man. I know right cowardly move. My throat felt sore and raw. I started coughing and coughing causing blood to come up. I blacked out. When I woke back up I was laying on a bed that had white sterile sheets an iv was stuck in my arm and the room surrounding me was a soothing baby blue. I had on a hospital looking gown thingy. I sat up and felt around my throat there was a bandage wrapped around it and some sort of cooling gel on it. White badages were wrapped around my feet. I started to panick when the room door open. There stood a boy around the same age as me probably older, in the doorway. He had the same silver gray piercing eyes exactly like the ones in the man I saw. His eyes held so much hatred and disgust in them.

End of flash back

Ever since that day I've wondered what have I ever done to him. That man that saved me was his father and Alpha of the pack. It was said that he left a few months after that with his mate only he has yet to return. He isn't dead because the pack would've felt the lost of connection. He gave all alpha responsibilities to his beta James until his son found his mate. I'm sixteen and he's eighteen and I hope with all my might that I'm not his mate. He's to much of a stuck up ass wipe to even notice me  besides when he is tormenting me and probably to busy fucking all the hoes in the pack to care about his mate. But what do I care once a bitch always a bitch. That's not my problem.

End of chapter one will be edit when possible that is.

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