Chapter 6: ~Darkness~

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Chapter 6: ~Darkness~


As fast as Katiana could she rinsed her hair a couple of times then rose and grabbed a towel to cover her body. Holding it close to her she tried to make as little noise as she could, her breathing came out slowly. Every step she took she left a trail of water behind her, she closed in on the door but stopped once she saw the door handle jiggle. Katiana looked around the soft candle lit room for something she could use as a weapon. Something about the presence on the other side of the door made her feel jumpy.


Her heart was pounding for an unknown reason, she was just fine moments ago. Yet now her demeanor had changed so quickly, it was strange. Katiana made her way over to the window then glanced back at the door. She quickly looked out of the window searching for Rouge. The night was pretty active, people were scattered everywhere but she couldn’t find him.


Katiana stilled for a moment after she heard a click, the door had been closed.


* * *


Rouge laid his hand on the mare’s white full coat, it was calm under his hand. Patches of it skin twitched at his touch as it looked at him. Rouge was only supposed to come down to check on the horse, make sure that it was still there but in the end it resulted in bonding with it instead.


The horse whinnied and tossed its head up and down. Rouge continued to steady the horse in the small lamp lit stable. He seemed to be at peace for just a moment before he felt that he needed to go back. Instead his stance wavered as the dizziness overcame him. He covered his ears as the sharp noises started to consume him.

Rouge staggered then fell against the wooden wall of the stable. "Get out of my head!" He howled as his vision faltered.


The horse neighed and stomped its hooves on the brick lined floor. Rogue felt that he was going blind, as he has many times before. After years of this he started to question his senses, his sanity. Everything seemed to jumble together when this happened, his sight, hearing and touch.


His eyes even started to dull from their once lively hazel color. He groaned as he slid to the ground.


   "If you'd except my immortal existence then I wouldn't have to put you threw this pain. Now, come to my realm with me and we shall talk."


Rouge shook his head slowly. "No, I need to get back to her..." His voice trailed off as he started to feel weaker. He knew that in moments he wouldn't have the choice, he'd be sucked into it by force.


"Do not worry, I will let you get back to your woman before it's too late. But now we must discuss your current situation."


Rouge rose his head before he spoke again. "Get back to her before what, what is happening?" He demanded but his wolf didn't respond. He inhaled deeply before letting out a breath as he gave in.


* * *

Rouge stepped into the realm of darkness, he looked to his feet that were standing on top of a sea of calm water that seemed to stretch out for miles. Water had always calmed his nerves, no matter the form. But the water below him seemed to mirror the blackness of Neptune's fur, other than the bolt of silver lightning that ran across his side.

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