The Day of Creation

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Y/N = your name
F/C = Favorite color
H/C = Hair color

Summary: Your Family Died in a Plane Crash and you are trying to find a way to not be alone. You see a random Book about Creating Life that everyone can imagine. Will it change your life to make it good? Or Bad? Or even more Worse? Btw your 18 years old

Your Pov

I said to my My Mom and Dad "Will both of you be Okay?

Mom reassured "Of course Y/N just wish us luck by the time we go"

Dad added "Plus you'll be seeing a Brand New Car by the Time We're Home." after that, they left the House

2 days Later

The reporter reported that A plane crashed due to some idiot forgot to fuel the Plane

I cried for 10 minutes and wiped the tears
I muttered "Why did both of you Leave me...."

You heard the Door slam and saw your Childhood friend Aisha

She shouted "Y/N! Im sorry for your Parents" she ran to me and hugged me

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She shouted "Y/N! Im sorry for your Parents" she ran to me and hugged me

I hugged her back when she mentioned my Parents, I cried to her Shoulder"
She gave me Pats in the back and said "Its okay"over and over

I muttered "I lost my purpose in Life.."

Aisha slapped me and says with tears "Don't ever say that Dammit! How about me? Have you ever considered me a Purpose to your life Y/N? All these years of being your best friend was for nothing?"

I said "Im so sorry Aisha, I just.... Can't handle my parent's death."

She said "I have something to tell you Y/N"

I asked "What is it?"

She stuttered "I L-love You"

I gave her a kiss and said "Is that the answer you want?" She nodded

Me and Aisha fell asleep on each other.

3rd Person POV

its been 5 days since the death of Y/N's Parents and the Confession of Aisha
3 days ago Y/N's Parent's funeral was held. All of the belongings of Y/N's Parent's belongs to their son.

Your Pov

"How will i Move on from my Parent's death?" i asked myself.

I went to the School Library and searched any book that peaked my interest but nothing

"*sigh* All of this was pointless" I talked to myself and walked through the door until i saw a Large Black Book with a Huge X infront of it in a dusty old Bookshelf

"I've never seen that Book before. I hope its not a vampire novel" I thought at the last part

As i open the book. Dust came out. The pages looked like they survived being burned.

The Title Says

Ways to create Life

I thought 'Maybe this will do' I went to the Librarian to borrow the Book.

After that day (Saturday)

I read the whole book in 1 day and remembered all of it. I didn't eat or sleep...

3rd Person Pov

Aisha went to Y/N's house

"Y/N I wanna go on a date with you."

She sees a Door that had Lights coming out of its little crack

She opened it and saw Y/N doing some experiments on a Black Liquid which is in a Container


Y/N replied "Creating."

"Creating What?"

Y/N lied "Steroids..." and thought '1............2........3....."


"relax im just joking. No need to be serious." Y/N laughed. Aisha smacked him at the head

"then what is it?"

"An Artificial Life Force"

"for what?"


She looked at Y/N like he was Retarded

"Forget that, I wanna go on a date with you now."

"What time?"

"Like i said Now"

She dragged Y/N in the ear and went outside of the house.

The Black Liquid exploded and broke the container it took shape of a Pink haired Woman who had a body of a Goddess. She walks around and sees a picture of Y/N
She muttered "He must Be My Creator. I must protect him at all cost."...

Yandere Artificial Life Form X Male Reader X Powered Yandere Childhood FriendWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt