Daughter of Athena

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I unlocked my locker and found my language arts books."Ugh, they're so heavy" I said thinking nobody else would hear but I heard someone behind me say, "Need some help?"I turned around, it was exactly who I thought it was, my boyfriend."uhh...sure, thanks" He took half of my books in his muscular arms. "'course,"he said. He looked me in the eyes, not blinking for 20 seconds."Hey lovebirds" Nadine said as she walked by."Shut up,"I said smiling. "Eww" my BFF, Red said coming up to me, she doesn't approve of my choice of boyfriends. "yea,yea we weren't kissing or anything."I said."Not YET" She answered. I smirked. We walked to the Language Arts room, me and my boyfriend in front, Red tagging along behind us.

I stepped into the Language Arts classroom and sat down next to Red. A couple of minutes later, I heard her mumbling something under her breath."What?"I asked wondering if something was wrong."Huh?"She answered." I don't know what you're talking about."She said looking very confused. It was then that I noticed that she wasn't mumbling, it went on while she was speaking. I looked around me and saw my book, The Last Olympian had a light coming from the pages in the middle of the book. I knew then that that was what was mumbling and I made a mental note to investigate with Sophia sorry, Red after school. I should have told you earlier, Red's actual name is Sophia, she is a 15 year old girl with auburn hair, pixie style and light amber eyes. I am also 15 with naturally curly hair, usually staightened though. My hair is golden colored and I have gray eyes. The rest of the day went by quite quickly after that.

After I got home, I went straight to my room and got out my book."Red, come on!" I yelled."Coming,"She yelled back. I took a deep breath. What would I find when I opened it? I opened it up to the page where I saw the light coming from."Pretty."Red said breathlessly. It was a golden locket, small obviously considering the fact it was in a book. I took it and put it on. Exactly at the moment when I clasped it together, a hellhound crashed through my window. Instinct told me to grab my plastic trophy, so I did, and I started whacking the hellhound with it. Meanwhile, Red was screaming swear words at it. I am not going to mention what swear words of course, they were so bad, in fact, some I think she made up. Anyways, I kept whacking it but I don't think it hurt it, it only annoyed it more. I didn't think this at the time, but now I am thinking, WHY WAS THERE A HELLHOUND IN MY BEDROOM? I thought for a second to grab my locket and I did, thinking that mabye it had something to do with the hellhound. Before I grabbed my locket, I grabbed Red's arm. A flash of gold and we were tumbling through the forest. I recognized this forest. It's camp half blood! I thought before I passed out.

I was only out for a few seconds when I felt someone pulling me by arm and leg. I blinked my eyes open and saw a boy about my age pulling me with great trouble. "Hello!"I said casually like it was usual to be dragged along by a cute boy."Woah, I thought you were out!"He said."Only for a few" I answered."GET OFF OF ME!!!!!" I heard screaming from a few yards away. It was Red. Oh boy, she had a cute boy dragging her too. Then she started kicking him. I couldn't help it but laugh out loud. Then I noticed the boy that was dragging me staring at me."Hi?"I said. I never thought I was that amazing. Then again I had a boyfriend and he said I was beautiful so, I can see why he was staring. When I said that he looked away. Red was beginning to see what had happened and the boy that had her was explaining what he was. Yes, what HE was. That's how out of it she was. I laughed again. Why Red, Why? I heard the boy say that his name was Nico. I had read the Son of Neptune before I read the other series so I knew who he was."Nico?"I asked."Nico DiAngelo?"Yep, how'd you know my last name?"He asked. "Ummm, I read stuff?"I was Nico, in real life! I can't believe it! Red seemed to get her balance finally, the first thing she did was hug Nico. Wow, strange, she barely knows him. Well, he is her fictional crush. I wonder if Leo is here. He's mine. I turned around and looked at the other boy. "What's your name?"I asked."Leo"He answered.I was screaming on the inside. It's Leo.It's Leo. It's Leo."I LOVE YOU LEO!" I screamed.He looked sort of taken back. Like I had punched him. I cleared my throat."I mean, I have a big crush on you because in real life there are books about demigods and stuff and... yea.""oh,"He loked better after that. I then ran up to him and hugged him like Red had hugged Nico, except I knocked Leo over."I love you, thank you for dragging me through the forest." I whispered in his ear."I really do."He then picked me up like I was really light and carried me into camp. I think I fell asleep in his arms. 

I woke to the sound of arrows hitting targets. It was the Apollo kids practicing archery. I smiled faintly. It really hadn't been a dream. Meeting Leo and Nico and getting dragged through the forest. Yea, my life is good. I blinked my eyes open and looked around, I was in a giant tent, the hospital tent, I was guessing, from the books. I smiled again, Leo was standing over in the corner. I took a deep breath and got up to walk over to him. As I got over to him, he looked up. "Hi Leo, sorry about last night." I said. "Oh, It's fine, you were in a lot of shock, I understand.""Friends?" I said and held my hand out for him to shake. Instead he hugged me and said, "Of course." Yep, Awesome life.

A few minutes later I was being given a tour by Leo. He showed me the cimbing wall, the stables, and the cabin where I would be staying, Cabin 11 or the Hermes cabin. He found me a sleeping bag and a pillow although all I had was nothing. He showed me a lot more stuff but I wasn't really paying attention to it. I had a lot more on my mind. Like, WHO THE HECK IS MY MOM?

I got claimed first. It happened like this. I was just walking along with Red, minding my own buisness when I got out of my own buisness, like I was in Red's mind. It scared me and I jumped like two feet in the air."What?" Red asked. "Nothing."I answered in a high voice. I did NOT want Red to know what I had seen in her mind. Then it happened again. "Woah!" I practically screamed. "WHAT IS IT THIS TIME?" Red screamed back. She looked like I had yanked her out of a VERY deep thought. Then again, I had. "You were thinking about Nico."I said. "NO!" She screamed back. "That wasn't a question, it was a statement. Then she went for me. She fell on top of me and started kicking me. I got up finally and started running away when she hopped on top of me again and tried to bite me. That was when she saw this glowing red owl over my head. "Ya know what, I'm gonna let you off with a warning, don't EVER read my mind again." I shook my head yes and we started running back to camp. Shouting the whole way "Emma's been claimed, Emma's been claimed!!!!!"

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