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Yesterday I had a band concert and before concerts we get to miss two classes to practice. At the one today a kid (one of my friends, kind of, he hangs out with my friends while I'm there so I consider him a friend even though he might not) said something mean about our band and our band teacher went crazy. My band teacher, Mr. J, is pretty chill. He makes fun of you (in a nice way) and is good natured. He has a voodoo doll for when kids are bad at playing. He's cool. It when from 0 to 100 really fast. He brought the kid in and yelled at him in front of the hole band (which is like half the grade). I was 50% sure Mr. J would kill him. Afterwords he told me and my friends that he was telling a story to another one of my friends (I'm sorry I'm not saying names) and was looking in the direction the band was practicing while saying something rude to see why we where still in class (this was after the bell). 

For the name revile here are the clues: (if someone who doesn't know me in real life guesses it before May 18th, I'll tell you then)

Nothing rhymes with this name (not common words)                                                                                         I share a name with a famous, British actress, model, dancer and humanitarian from the 50's       It starts with an A

Good Luck

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