Lillith Steel

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The man in front of me wields a Karambit in his right hand menacingly. As he leaps forward, arm slashing sideways at me, my right hand shoots out slamming into his wrist. The knife drops from his hand as I use my weight and acceleration to spin, bringing my right foot against his side. The man doubles over for just a moment before straightening up and throwing his left fist into my cheekbone. I jab him in his right eye before bringing his nose down onto my knee, knocking him out cold. I pick up the Karambit, quickly dragging it against his throat. As I slowly walk out of the building, now scattered with bodies, I put my long silver-dyed hair into a high ponytail. Cleaning out from under my nails with the tip of the knife, I walk over to my black 1995 Jeep Wrangler. I close the Karambit and slide it into my boot before pulling my keys out of my pocket and getting into my car, driving away and calling Rikki.

"Hey Lill how'd it go?" Rikki asks me.

I laugh before responding "easy as pie dude."

Rikki giggles and tells me the crew will be there to clean it up before hanging up the phone.

I drive through the city, quickly getting into the outskirts, and finally stopping at my house. Correction, our house. I live here with my crew, our Tibetan Mastiff Jefferson, and our Pitt Jade. We are a special ops team, the Black Stallions, but not like the ones that you normally think of. We don't work for the government, we work for hire. I also lead a gang of the same name when we aren't on contract.I know this probably sounds crazy, but it's who we are, it's who we will always be.

I sigh, shaking the thoughts from my head, and walk inside, instantly getting tackled. Not by one person, but three, and a Pitt. And a gigantic fluffy ball.


I can't help but laugh as the boys, Jefferson, and Jade get up and Rikki tackles me into a new hug. I hug her tightly before shoving her off of me and onto her ass. I look at the wonderful people in front of me and grin. Ezekiel with his tan, lean frame, he was the perfect heartthrob. Cameron, always making everyone laugh, thank the dickens. Jayesh, muscular and intimidating if you weren't his boss. Lastly, my best friend Rikki, absolutely crazy. I can't help but think about how much I love each and every one of them, when a hand snaps in front of my face.

"Yo earth to Lill. You there loser?" I sigh and roll my eyes at Kiel, punching him in the arm.

"Chill, I was just wondering where Cece is? She's usually here when I get home from missions."

Rikki laughs "she's in the kitchen you dip, it's like 7 o'clock."

As soon as the words escape her mouth I dash the the kitchen, smiling like a maniac. I quickly wash my hands in the sink before removing all of my weapons and setting them in the basket by the doorway. We have a house rule that no one is allowed to have weapons at the table other than one knife or gun of their choosing, just for emergencies, and must stay put away. I put my favorite silver Ruger SR45 back in it's holster before hugging Carter, the tall babe.

"Hey master chef. What's dinner? I'm starving."

She rolls her eyes at the nick name "lasagna and garlic bread will be done in half an hour. Until then salads are about to be put on the table. GUYS COME WASH UP!!!!"

Everyone rushes in and washes up, before clearing out their weapons. As we sit down I begin to dig in, starving from all the work I did today. I look around and I see everyone staring at me, making me suddenly feel very awkward.

"Is something wrong? Do I have something on my face?" I question awkwardly.

They all look at me nervously before Rikki speaks up "um... you're kinda still covered in blood... why don't you go shower real quick...?"

I groan "dammit I thought I stayed clean this time!" I shove my chair out and stand up as the team laughs at me. I quickly shoot them a glare before running upstairs to the bathroom, eager to be back before the lasagna is ready.

As I undress I look at myself in the mirror. Stormy blue-grey eyes, dyed silver hair, short, skinny but strong. Leader of a team of special ops and of a huge gang. I sigh at my reflection and get it the shower, scrubbing down my body and washing my hair. I stand here for a few minutes before getting out and drying off. I start getting dressed when I hear a slamming on the window. I look down at myself in my bra and underwear, then shrug and pick up my Ruger. Just as I stand back up a man bursts through the window. Rolling my eyes, I hold up my gun and shoot.

Thud. The man hits the floor and I hear running up the stairs and knocking. I laugh and open the door, not caring that I'm only half dresses.

"May I help you? I'm trying to get dressed so I can smash some lasagna."

Rikki and the team flood in with worried looks on their faces, staring at the man on the floor. I lift his head up and look at his face.

Kiel is the first to speak up "Armenian. Geghard Petros."

"What the hell is he doing in our bathroom???" that would be Rikki...

I sigh and respond "my guess would be trying to kill me for the Panthers, dummy."

Just then the timer goes off downstairs so I shoo everyone out and finish dressing. I fly down the steps and quickly plop in my seat. I watch intently as Cece pulls the lasagna out of the oven and puts it in the center of the table. Everyone quickly digs in as Jefferson and Jade lay at our feet. We talk and joke while we eat, the man upstairs forgotten at the moment. As I finish eating I tell Rikki to get any new information available about Geghard and have Cece call the crew to clean up. I get up from the table and put away the dishes I used, Jade following closely behind.

Walking out the back door I get ready to go see my baby, Jade still at my heels. I get to the garage and open the door to see the gorgeous Twilight Turquoise 1965 Ford Mustang Notchback that is my baby. I got her about a month ago and have been fixing her up, trying to get original parts. I work on her until about 10, Jade laying in her bed while I work. When I get done for the night I start inside when Rikki runs out.

"Hey phone is ringing. ID says CIA." Rikki, per usual, yells across the lawn.

I jog into the house and over to my office, picking up the phone.

"Silver speaking what can I help you with?" I ask rolling my eyes at the call name the team gave me.

"Yes, we have a mission for the Stallions. We need you at the building tomorrow morning."

"Send the chopper over. You know where to land it. See you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow Miss Steel."

With that, I walk out to the living room where everyone has gathered.

"CIA building tomorrow morning. They are sending a chopper over first thing. Make sure to pack what you need tonight. Be up at 5. And Cam can you call the dog guy?"

"Yea no prob. Well I guess it's goodnight then guys."

After everyone says their 'goodnight's I head upstairs, both dogs in tow. I quickly throw some tank tops, athletic leggings, jeans, a dress, underwear, and bras into a bag. I throw a pair of tennis shoes, a pair of combat boots, and a pair of heels in another smaller bag. Lastly I throw the Karambit I got this morning, a few combat knives, a tactical knife, a few throwing knives, a black Colt Double Eagle, and a gold Smith & Wesson Sigma into my combat bag. Once I finish packing I undress and get in bed, putting my Ruger on the side table. The dogs climb in bed, Jefferson down behind my legs and Jade up against my chest, and we all get some sleep.  


 Hey guys. Just wanted to know that if you guys aren't super crazy about it right now I promise that it will get better. So please, just leave a like, vote, comment. Share with your friends. Please and thank you everyone.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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