Thanksgiving with the Weasleys

Start from the beginning

Draco breaks into an award winning smile and nods enthusiastically. "I'd love that," He says and before he could say more, Mrs. Weasley comes into the room, apron dirtied by flour.

"Dinner's done, everyone. George, Charlie, I'd appreciate it if you'd take the tables outside. There's not enough room for everyone in here," Molly orders and the two Weasley boys nod reluctantly before bringing the dining table out on the porch, chairs coming soon after.

"I really appreciate George easing the tension," Draco murmurs, gripping Harry's hand again once the two had reunited.

"Yeah, George is a great guy. He always comes to people's aid that way," The two then go outside, the fall air biting at their cheeks and were both glad they had enough sense to keep their jackets on. They sit together, Ginny ending up beside Draco and both boys don't miss the way she had scowled at their intertwined hands.

"I don't think Ginny is a fan of you and me being together," Draco murmurs once everyone was seated.

"I don't think so either," Harry chuckles, piling mashed potatoes onto his plate before handing it off to the blond.

Once all the food had been passed around, everyone says grace and digs into their food. Draco had never tasted anything this good in his life. Even the Hogwarts feasts didn't compare to Molly's cooking. The tall boy moans just loud enough for Harry to hear as soon as he takes the first bite which causes him to go red and for Harry to laugh softly. "This food is amazing, Mrs. Weasley," He compliments after he had swallowed.

Molly smiles warmly at Draco's words and thanks him as a chorus of agreement follows. Once dinner had come to an end, the tables and chairs had been placed back inside and everyone migrates to the living room once again, Molly and Arthur staying back to clean up. Harry and Draco finally sit together, Harry nearly on the blond's lap which causes the boy to chuckle as they link hands again. "So Harry," Ginny starts from her place from across the room. "What made you decide to date a Death Eater?"

The whole room silences at once and Draco goes paler than Harry had ever seen him. He scratches at the dark mark under his jumper harshly. "I'm positive that's not any of your concern, Ginny," Harry snaps.

"We were all wondering, Harry. You're stupid if you didn't notice the way everyone looked at such filth. If it were up to me, I would've let him rot in Azkaban with his father,"

"Ginny!" Ron and Hermione scold her at once and moments later, Draco exits the room, heading up to the bathroom. He shuts and locks the door behind him, sliding against the wall and bursting into tears. He knew this would happen. He was naive to think things would go smoothly. The blond tries to keep his sobs to a minimum but he was simply too crushed to hold them back. He pulls back his sleeve, the scratches he had left while sitting on the couch now red and irritated. His breath at picked up, panic finally setting in and rests his head between his knees, chest heaving.

A knock causes his sobs to seize and he manages to whimper, "G-Go away," in a wobbly voice.

Silence envelops the atmosphere, Draco convinced that whoever it was behind the door having left. A few seconds later, he hears someone whisper, "Alohomora," and the click of the bathroom lock alerts him. He doesn't bother lifting his head but when he hears George's soothing voice, he freezes. "You alright, Draco?" He asks before sighing. "Merlin, that's a stupid question,"

"Everyone hates me," Draco whispers, finally looking up with tears in his eyes. "Everyone thinks I'm a disgusting Death Eater but I'm not anymore. I-I'm not. I never wanted to be one. My family would've died if I didn't join. Voldemort would've killed them," His breath picks up at his words, hyperventilating once again and flinches when George rests his hand on Draco's back.

"Deep breaths," George says gently and Draco shakes his head into his palms.

"I-I can't. Please, get Harry for me. He knows how to calm me down," Draco whimpers and George leaves moments later. Dots had began dancing across his vision and when Harry finally arrives, the boy is weak from lack of oxygen.

"Draco, darling, I need you to calm down for me. You're having a panic attack, love. You've been doing so well lately. You can beat this, I know you can,"

Draco shakes his head fiercely. "I'm just a disgusting Death Eater. That's all I'll ever be, Harry," He whispers brokenly.

Harry kisses Draco fondly, cupping the boy's face in his palms and feels his tears against his cheeks. "You're not disgusting, Draco. You've redeemed yourself over these years. One person's negative opinion can't affect you this way, darling. You've got this, I know you do. You're such a good person, my love," He murmurs. Draco smiles the smallest of grins and nods slowly. "Now c'mon, lets get back out there. George is dying to show you more of his experiments,"

Draco chuckles softly and nods, wiping his face and getting up from the floor, standing tall and follows Harry out of the bathroom and back out to the Weasleys.   

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