hello again

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hey soonyoung,

so it's been a while since i wrote a letter to you. like, very long. last year i think? a lot has changed between us since then, and both of us have changed individually.
we still talk of course, we've gotten a bit closer. we're pretty open to each other- when we text. but we are totally awkward when we're around each other in person.
so, over the past few months, i've finally figured out my feelings for you. i don't actually "like you." i more... admire you i guess. you're pretty cute, hard-working, kind- everything a girl would want, hahah. in fact, almost everyone has a crush on you at school.
so, i guess i'll go now. there's not much to say. besides, i'm transferring schools this year. i hope we'll stay in touch :)

love, hayoung

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