We all laughed and followed her out of the library and down the many halls. Until finally we made it to three sets of double doors, students crowded the doors to get in.

Finally we were able to make it through the people and into the cafeteria.

Fernanda brought us over to an empty table nearby windows that showed a view of the football field.

"This shall be forth known as our table" Fernanda said, thankfully the round table seated eight people.

I sat on one seat, Fernanda sat on my right and Michael sat on my left then it was Dean, Cassie, Lia, Josh, then Sloane.

"Well even if today is your first day I hope you have money with you, because unless your parent signed you up for free lunch, you gotta pay." Fernanda said.

"I thought today was everyone's first day, I mean you kept looking down at your schedule and the map" Cassie said.

Fernanda began to shuffle in her seat a bit, "we started school like 2 weeks ago, Fernanda just gets lost very easily." Josh said with a laugh at the end.

"But what about all the teachers going over guidelines to the whole class?" Lia asked Josh.

"It's protocol, aka something teachers are forced to do when they have even just one new kid in their class." Josh explained, "it's stupid, but hey it gives the rest of us some time to nap."

I giggled at the last part, then I felt Michael quickly grab my hand from under the table, "well, you heard Fernanda, we should get going and get some lunch." Michael said quickly dragging me away from the table.

"Green looks good on you" I joked as we looked around to see what was good.

"Don't know what your talking about" Michael said as he saw a fries and chicken combo. "Damn, I don't have enough" he whined looking at the price.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him "how about we make a deal dearie" I said to him.

"Go on" he answered, "i'll buy chicken tenders separate, and you buy cheese fries. Then we can share." I said grabbing the chicken, "what a smart beautiful brain" Michael said grabbing the cheese fries.

We got in line, payed, and walked back to our table.

"It's quite simple really" I heard Sloane say to Fernanda as she looked at her iPad. "Dude, she's a genius" Fernanda said to me looking over seeing Sloane flip through problems ease.

I laughed and grabbed a cheese fry from Michael, I looked and saw everyone else had also gotten their food, probably extra money from what Briggs gave them for shopping.

So for the rest of the lunch period we all ate, talked, and laughed. Then static sounded as if speakers turned on.

"Students pardon the announcement, but today after your current class all students will report to the main gym for an assembly, I repeat after your current class all students are to report to the main gym. Thank you and have a nice day"

Then the speakers switched back off.

"Ember can you come with me to the vending machine" Fernanda asked me with pleading puppy dog eyes. "Sure" I said getting up from the table with her.

The vending machines weren't too far away, but I guess she just felt uncomfortable to go alone.

"So, what are you gonna get" I asked her as we stood in front of the snack machine and soda machine.

"Patience young one" Fernanda said.

I laughed, then the guy in front of us turned around along with his group of friends.

"Hey there cutie" the guy said with a wink from his emerald eyes as he shuffled his black hair. "What's your name" he asked me.

"Ember" I said with arms crossed.

Then he strode over to me and leaned his arm on the pole I was leaning on, "well Ember did it hurt when you fell from heaven" he asked as his buddies chuckled behind him.

"Nope, because I dug my way up from hell" I retorted with a sharp look. Fernanda let a laugh escape her lips.

"Feisty one" he said with a bright smile "come on babe how about we get out of here and go somewhere more... private" he whispers the last part in my ear.

"Not interested" I say pushing his arm back and beginning to walk away, when suddenly he grabs my wrist and whirls me around to face him.

"I don't wanna hurt you babe" he says innocently and smiling still.

"Funny, I was about to say the exact opposite" I say rolling my eyes.

"You know you might wanna let her go right about now Jake" Fernanda warned him. "Shut up ugly ass" Jake spat at Fernanda.

"I tried to warn you"

"She tried to warn you" I say grabbing his hand and twisting his wrist, I keep it so close where if I give it even the tiniest bit of pressure his wrist will break.

He first yelped them began to whine.

"Now, jake. This is what going to happen, you are first going to apologize to my dear friend, then you will give me a.. no two dollars for showing you mercy, then you will walk away." I said to him blowing a piece of blue hair out of my face.

"Step one" I said.

"I'm sorry Fernanda for being a jackass" he said clearly in pain.

"Step two"

"Billy hand her the two dollars I gave you earlier, now!" He quickly pleaded. Billy quickly handed me the money and I smiled.

"Step three" I whispered in his ear, letting go of his wrist.

He darted away with his buddies following his lead. "Now, the real problem" I said to an awed Fernanda.

"Pepsi, or dr.pepper"

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