Chapter 2

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Next is Tonia Alatunji (picture on the right), also known as tony. Wife of Seru Alatunji, the footballer.  Tony was a quiet devil.  Some people might call her fake, but she was far from fake.  She was the kind of person who you always wanted to be on her good side.  If you messed with her, your finished. Literally.  You might as well consider yourself dead.  Tony was beautiful, she knew that and that was her weapon.  She went to great lenghts to get what she wanted.  Her widowed mother always cautioned her about that but she did not listen.  Afterall isn't that how she became the wife of the one and only Seru Alatunji? 

Tony had no kids with Seru.  She was unable to concieve. Both husband and wife have been seeing numerous doctors in hopes of having a baby one day.  Tony lived in a big luxurious beach house with Seru, his mother, father and her mother(tony's). They had two house maids, a cook, three body guards and three nurses for their parents.

Tony wanted nothing to do with house work or cooking or things like that.  She had more important things to do.  Things like shopping, travelling, promoting her clothing line, makeup and books.  

Tony grew up in a poor household, and was the 2nd of seven children.  She graduated college as an accountant. So she was really good with money, her money.  Unlike Eni, she had no motto. She needed none.

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