Ghosty and Halo nodded in agreement and Willow frowned. She loved cookies. Willow sent a pleading look to Sonic hoping he would side with her. "Cookies and muffins are both pretty good... It depends on what kind," he said slowly. 

"Come on! You have to like one better in general Sonic! You know cookies are tasty and delicious!" Willow pleaded.  

Sonic just laughed and shook his head. Willow sighed hopelessly. Fear didn't seem to be paying any attention to them so it hardly mattered. "How about chocolate chip cookies and apple muffins? You know the cookies are better," Willow offered. 

Sonic pondered it for a moment then nodded. "Yes, in that case cookies would win," he decided, much to Willow's relief.  

She smiled smugly to Halo, Ghosty, and Jagged. "Willow, it's still three to two," Halo pointed out. 

Willow frowned as she realized she had no way of winning. "I don't know about you, but I think they're missing a crucial point. Wouldn't you agree Willow? They've forgotten that muffin dough sucks and tastes weird, yet cookie dough is delicious and heavenly," Fear pointed out, coming over to sit by Willow. 

Willow nodded earnestly as the smug look returned to her face. For the moment they were tied. "Now, Willow, Halo left this out because it wasn't important before, but it's a little unfair. You only have Sonic on your side because you're using apple muffins, and chocolate chip cookies. Let's say it banana muffins and oatmeal raisin cookies. Sonic, whose side are you on now," Ghosty said. 

Sonic required very little time to make his choice. "I'd be on the muffin team," he announced.  

Willow sighed. Her hope had been short lived. She stood up and walked over the window and glanced out. It was finally spring and she was so glad. Fear came over and joined her. "You excited?" She murmured. 

Willow nodded and continued to stare out the window. She seemed to be staring at a young girl. Fear nudged Willow and Halo and Jagged came over. "Who is she?" Halo finally asked. 

Darky strolled over and glanced out the window. "Frosty. She's Frosty Knyfe. Possibly the most guarded girl you'll ever meet. I thought she was dead," he said quietly. 

Ghosty frowned at Darky and hurried over to the window. "No way... It can't really be her. I can't believe she's really alive. I could've sworn Dallas said his men beat her to death," Ghosty muttered. 

The rest of them turned to stare at him. Willow and Halo could almost believe it. "What- what happened?" Halo managed to get out. 

Ghosty and Darky exchanged looks. "It was probably four years ago when Frosty came to the orphanage. She was probably one of the most cheerful kid you ever met. At first Dallas left her alone. Holly wasn't around then... One night she caught him pushing around some kids. They were about eight and she got super mad. She was yelling and screaming and pushing Dallas and a few of his bullies around. Dallas never took those who messed with his fun lightly. They beat her black and blue. She was bleeding from cuts. He wasn't scared to use that knife of his. They taunted her and made fun of her until finally they left. I came and managed to get her up to the roof. Darky and I cared for her there... When she was better she went back down. Kept getting in fights with the bullies, kept getting beat up. She was possibly the bravest and most foolish girl too. I never gave up on her. I always came to the rescue if the fights got out of hand. She was like a sister to me. Then one day she disappeared. Dallas sent out some of his best men after her. Said he wanted her dead. They came back and said they beat her to death. I was horrified. Now... I guess they didn't catch her," Ghosty told the story gravely, his voice full of emotion. 

The rest of them stared at him in shock. Darky didn't he just pressed his hand against the window a moment then grabbed Ghosty's hand and rushed out of the room. They trailed after him slowly, still shocked at the story behind Frosty Knyfe.  

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