Epilogue {Edited}

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Jason's POV

There had been a triage area set up in a warehouse for all the visitors who had gotten injured during the Pteranodon attack. I sat next to Claire, Zach, and Gray. Amethyst and Crystal already left the island by the time we entered the set. Owen was taken somewhere else when I was brought in to be treated. Bandages were wrapped around my legs and forearms and one was on my cheek. A blanket was wrapped around Claire and the others.

"Jason?" Claire said and I looked over to her.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Thank you." She smiled. "For what?" I asked. We both turned to Zach and Gray. "For looking out for my nephews," Claire said I try to laugh and smirk but my body was aching all over. "No problem." I smiled and then I saw a couple come up to us alongside Owen walk in and it turns out that they were Zach and Gray's parents. I watched Zach and Gray have their mother and father hug them and their mom begins to cry and so did Claire. They both hugged then after. "Mom, this is Jason," Gray said after the hugging, kissing, and crying whatnot was all done. I stood up even though my body was aching all over. "Hello," I say and I outstretched out my hand.

"Karen," said the mother as she shook my hand, "Scott' they both introduced themselves and I introduced myself. We talked for a while before I excused myself. I turn to see Owen. He sees me and walks over. I tried to run to him but I fell down at his feet as he got closer. "Owen," I say finally, He looks down at me and lifts me up to my feet.

A smile crawled on his face. and we both hugged each other. "How is your leg?" He asked, "Never better." I answered. Owen ruffles through my hair and we both chuckled. Then the door opened and a man in a black suit walks in. "Jason Grady and Owen Grady, Your father left a huge inheritance to the two of you after his passing, You may use it to your desire."He said as he places a piece of paper and a pen to sign. Owen walks over to the paper, picks up the paper and signs it and gives it to the man. He leaves.

 Owen turns his head towards me. I nod. "Do you two have anywhere to go?" Claire asked us suddenly with a hint of concern. I thought about that question for a moment. We can go to our uncle's house, but he is too strict. Our cousin's.Nah. and that finally leaves our aunt's house.

Aw, hell no, there is absolutely no freaking way that I'm staying with her and her annoying lectures and eat that disgusting pie.

Then it hit me. "Owen" I called for him. He walks over. "Yeah, kiddo?". He asked.

"Do you remember that house we saw?" I said. "Yes?" He said. it took him five seconds to figure out what I was implying. "Bro, I think I know what you are saying." He said. I smile.and he shuffles through my hair. "Sometimes I really don't get you two," Claire said from behind us. She smiled. I grabbed my new clothes, removed my bandages revealing scars, I change into my new clothes, I turn to see Zach and Gray walk over to me after talking, Gray runs into me for a hug, I hug him back with one arm, after that I waved goodbye and both of us left for the airport.

When we arrived, we hurried towards our gate, I stopped running for a minute. I turn back towards the entrance of the airport. All that time I spent time in Jurassic World it was now all in the past. I was leaving behind such memories, my friends, my dinosaurs,

and finally, Echo.

Everything was behind me. "Hey, Jay!" I hear Owen call. "Let's go or we are about to miss our flight!" He yelled. "Coming!" I responded. All I can do now is hold onto my hopes and dreams and move forward.

(Ending Theme: Time To Say Goodbye (Acoustic), RWBY Vol.3)

Third Person POV

As young Jason Grady leaves Costa Rica, Isla Nublar was now a quiet island. The food chain was normal and the plant life is amazing. A demon vanquished. An enemy hybrid killed. As he walked to his airplane gate he passed by two teenagers, one in purple, who was with his parents moving to Nebraska, and the other in light blue, who was going to Texas as well.

The light blue girl walks into Jason's backpack without looking, she falls downwards. "Hey, you okay?" Jason asked. The girl stands up. "I'm okay" She answered. She looked to be younger than Jason, 15 years old at least, The girl and Jason both look at the time. "I've got to get going!" Jason yelled. "See you!" Jason yelled to the girl, who waved at him and left for her gate. Jason arrived at his gate and got into the airplane along with Owen. But one question hanged in his mind

What is their connection with InGen, to Jurassic World?

"That is until next time."

A/N, AND FINISHED, phew, that took me five days to do, school and studying kind've interfered but I still managed to finish, Thank you for reading and we will see you soon.

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