Chapter 1 (A Trip To My Dream)

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Oh shit, I think my eardrums just blew up! Who the hell?!

"Eomma! 5 more minutes jebalyo!" I complained and covered my ears with my pillows.

All of a sudden...


"Still not waking up?" I could feel my mother's evil grin peircing through my soul.

"Aish, ne ne ne, arasseo, I'm up!" Then I slowly get  from my bed and go straight to my bathroom.

"Remember, it's your audition day..." Mom's voice fading as she goes out of my room.

Wait...... OMO, stupid! I forgot!

So as fast as I can, I got ready then after 10 mins. I got out of my room fully clothed, washed and ready.

As I got down, my two best friends were already there and eating breakfast like there's no tomorrow, tss as usual.

"Annyeong y/n-ah, you ready for the audition?" Zelle greeted cheerfully.

"No I'm not ready at all." I said with full sarcasm.

"Ahh, daebak, I'm nervous as hell right now." Cole complained.

Oh yeah, for you to know, Cole and I are auditioning for a choir this summer. As for Zelle, she's already a member a few years back then, so she just supports us right now.

Then I push a slice of bacon inside my mouth.

"Don't worry, you'll pass, just have faith." Zelle tried to calm her down.

"Faith my ass, I'm definitely done."

Oh God they're noisy as fuck.

Just bear with it y/n, you can be worse than them at times, just not today.

So we continue to eat 'peacefully' then go straight to the audition place.


This is it! I can do it! I can pass this! You can do this, y/n! Hwaiting! I'm now here for the auditions. I need to pass this!

"You can do this y/n!" Cole said, as she exits the audition room with a smile on her face.

"For the Concert! Use BTS as inspirations!" Zelle said, as I laughed.

As they called my name, my blood runs cold, my heart stopped beating, and breathing was becoming difficult. As I made my way towards the stage I felt a wall which I collided with and I landed on the floor. I looked up and saw two unfamiliar faces, and me being a hardcore kpop fan I could identfy these people as Koreans. I was flustered and did my best to come up with an apology in the language they can understand.

"Mianhae." Then I rushed inside.


I nodded then sang. I did my best for this. Unfortunately, they said I didn't pass...

I guess I'll go home with nothing. Good thing for Zelle, she's been here for ages. While Cole, her voice is amazing and she was recruited in some French music industry which I have no idea about. And me? Don't ask about me. My voice is awful. And by that I mean I sound like a cat dying (note the exaggeration).

"Jeogiyo." A face suddenly floated in front of me. Hey, they were those two Korean people I bumped into earlier.

"Ne?" I answered. They smiled at me.

"Dangsin-eul hangug-mal?" She asked. I nodded.

"Oh, daebak! You sing great too."

What the heck?! Like seriously? Like the effff??? My voice is like a dying cow.

"Come with us! We're Koreans. We need a last member for our group." The guy she's with said.

"Eh? Wae? Me?"

"No, her." the guy said sarcastically while pointing at a random girl, "Yes, you!" they then said in unison.

The next thing I know, we were at our house discussing about the matter with  my parents. Cole and Zelle are beside me.

"Cole! Zelle! Help me!" I have nothing to do but to panic.

"Go for it y/n! It's your dream to go to Korea right? This is your chance!" Zelle said, smiling widely.

"Yes, she's right. Just DON'T FORGET US BOTH, AND THAT I'M BEAUTIFUL." said Cole. Tsk, she will never change. But still though, I love her haha.

"Arasso, unnie, eomma." I said then hugged them both. Oh my gosh, I will miss these idiots.

For some unknown reason, my parents allowed me. WTF?! How on earth did that happen?!

"Dear, behave and do good in Seoul, ok? Don't forget to visit us from time to time!" Mom is literally hugging me, the heck? Why on earth is she becoming nice all of a sudden?

"I'll take care of your school stuffs!" Cole said

Dad went down from upstairs carrying a big trolley.

"I packed your things for this. Everythig you need is already here. Take care of yourself, okay?" Dad. Wait, I'm going? As in NOW?!

"Good luck y/n-ah!!!" Cole and Zelle both said. They all hugged me.

So it is true??? This is one heck of a day!!! In a span of 1 day, I will go to Korea? Okay, I'm not myself again. I need to wake up.

So we went to the airport, and they fixed everything. They even got me a passport! They really are kind people. We got in the plane, I sat near the window. *sigh* It's just half the day but I'm so tired. The plane started to move. *yawn* Maybe I'll sleep for now.


"Y/N-SSI!!! We're here!!!" huh?! OMG...


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