Chapter 15

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Daniel's POV

After what the nurse told me about Danny being able to come home with me I was so happy and also relieved that my baby boy was gonna be okay, As for Brielle they say she's responding right but sometimes her blood pressure drops which is not good but I keep praying and praying and I know my family will get better.I haven't talked to Corae ever since she left earlier and that was a good thing. I did not want to see her anytime soon.I really hope Shaii is'nt still mad at me about the whole incident I really need to explain myself to her and to Brielle when she wakes up.

Corae's POV 

I sat at the net red contemplating on if I should just run through it, I closed my eyes as the tears started running rapidly down my face 

After a moment all I seen was black and I felt my body smash into the door and roll over to the passenger side as the airbag hit me 

I winced at the pain and felt something wet dripping from my legs but I was too out of it to pay attention,I just laid there as my vision went in and out as I heard the sirens from the ambulance

"Somebody over here! I think she's pregnant' I heard a voice say as I closed my eyes completely

Daniel's POV

1 year later

"Ah ah! No no Danny stop!" I said picking Danny up out of his highchair he was suppose to be eating his mashed potatoes but he ended up smashing them all over the place messing up his face and

"Ma can you wash him up please" I asked  my mother who was just walking into the kitchen with a magazine in her hand

"Yeah sure baby" she said grabbing Danny out of my hands

Its been a year since Brielle went into a coma and she still hasn't come out my mom has been watching Danny while I worked and did shows and meet & greets around the world,But now I'm on a little break and enjoying the time I have with my family. Danny is getting really big,I can't believe he's almost one the other day he said his first words which was "mama" he called himself mimicking me when I was talking to my mom which made me cry later that night. I remember when I first brought Danny home ,boy that was a day my mom said she would help me with him but I would have to learn how to do it on my own first.

He would wake up through all hours of the night crying and crying ,half the time I did'nt know what he wanted. For a while I thought I was delusional when I woke up to feed him or change his diaper

but I did'nt stress I love my son and Im just happy he's here and healthy and hopefully soon so will his mommy

"Hunny do you want him to wear the blue or yellow shirt?" my mom asked coming down the stairs with Danny in her hands as he played with her ear rings

"Yellow" I said looking at my phone

I had 2 text messages one from Shaii and the other from spin


 Hurry up and get to the hospital



I looked at both messages and smiled widely I did'nt even bother to reply back I hurriedly grabbed my shoes and Danny's car seat and got in the car as my mom strapped him in and got into the passenger side

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