Chapter 2

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"Daddy" she said.

Veronica didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. Her Daddy was finally back. She wanted this since her and her Mom had moved here.

They let him out Mija" her Mom said happily.

"I can see that" Ronnie said though clenched teeth.

"I brought you this. I've missed you" Hirim spoke "I've missed you and you mother so much" her Dad walked closer and gave her the present. She opened it slowly to reveal a pretty pearl necklace​. She lightly touched it with her fingers before looking up at him with a blank expression.

"I don't want it" she said firmly.

"Darling" Hirim tried to reach out to her but she took a step back "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK?" she yelled as she let the gift fall from her fingers to the carpet beneath their feet.

"Mija, you wanted this. You got what you wanted. We can go back to how things used to be" Hermione said.

"I can build my empire back up. We can go back to New York, get out of this small town" her dad told her.

This made Ronnie angry. She doesn't know when, she doesn't know how but she really fell in love with this place. Maybe it was her friends... Betty, Kevin, Ethel, Archie... she thought about her friends and how it was so much better then what she ever had in New York, minus the murder of course.

"NO" she shouted.

"I thought you wanted this" her Dad pushed.

"Things changed while you were gone. I learnt who you really are" the raven haired teen spat.

Hirim and Hermione exchanged looks before looking back at their beautiful, stubborn, headstrong daughter.

The teen rolled her eyes drastically "Whatever, I'm going to Betty's" she walked off to her room "I'll probably stay the night too" she yelled back as she walked into her smallish room and slammed the door shut.

A minute or two passed with Ronnie walking around her room throwing random things in her bag that she'd need. She had text Betty to see if she could stay the night but she had yet to get a reply but she was to angry, she needed to get out of her small apartment, away from her parents, her Dad. She'd deal with it some other time so she had decided she'd head to Betty's and hope she was there; if not she was screwed.

"Go away" she called as a knock at her door sounded.


Ronnie walked to the door and slowly opened it to reveal her mother.

"Mom, why is he back?"

"Ronnie, don't be like this"

"ME, You know what he did, he's a MONSTER" her voice getting louder and louder.

"HE'S YOUR FATHER" Herminone said sharply.

"TOO BAD" Ronnie snapped "I HATE HIM" she looked at her mother before noticing her father had now appeared in her doorway. They looked at each other for the longest of moments. Her Dad's expression unreadable as he had heard the words his daughter had just said.

She was such a Daddy's girl growing up.

Ronnie stood there staring back at her father, she could she the hurt and pain on his face. A tear fell down her cheek before she fiercely wiped it away. She shook her head and walked out of her room leaving a hurt Hirim and shocked Hermione behind.

She walked the short distance to Betty's house. Noticing the darkness around her as she looked at the Cooper household. It was only like 5:30 so she wasn't going to disturb anyone, she just really needed her best friend.

She walked to the door and knocked gently. No answer, so, she knocked again, this time more loudly.

She heard a noise and realised that it was just beginning to rain "Great" she mumbled as she banged on the Cooper's door. Clearly not in. She cursed under her breath as the rain began to soak her.

She turned to leave before the sound of a text made her stop. Pulling out her phone she saw the letter B light up her screen...

Sorry, movies with Jug X

Ronnie let out a small groan before typing a quick reply.

On a school night?

Have fun ;)

V xx

"Ron..." the call of her name got her attention as she found herself staring at a certain red head.

"Archie, hey" she said as he ran over to her.

"What are you doing just standing here? You're soaked"

Ronnie laughed nervously "Oh...." before she could continue Archie cut her off and lead her to his porch for some shelter and for some reason she didn't stop him because honestly she was freezing "Betty told me what happened, how you got a message then ran off. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" she tried to smile but Archie saw through it and rasied his eyebrow at her "Honestly, don't worry about me" she grabbed his hand in her own "I promise you. I'm fine" this time her smile was genuine as she felt him brush his thumb over her knuckles.

"I should go" she said weakly as she dropped his hand.

"NO" he said. She looked at him, surprised by his tone "I mean...." he scratched the back of his head. A nervous habit she had come to realise. "You're soaked through and freezing. Just come inside, my parents are out so we can just hang out" he smiled perfectly at her.

"Fine..." they began to walk into his house "Wait, did you say parents as in your Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah, my Mom's back. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, great" she said dishearteningly although she offered the red head a warm smile as she spoke.

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