i think i know

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i think i know now
why i keep coming back to you
he told me you're no good for me
you're just trouble

but i remember
when you were still good for me
and not just trouble

and maybe i never loved you
like you loved me
but i keep coming back
because there's no replacing you

the bond we had
you were my best friend
and even though you told me you loved me
i wanted to keep you
as my best friend

and that's why i keep coming back to you
and i know this is stupid

i long for the old times
where you would rant to me
and tell me of the girls hurting your heart
and mope around
and call me and text me

i miss my best friend
i miss when you were oh so nice
and you didn't have to hurt others
to get what you wanted

i still long for the friend
who would tell me everything he liked about me
and would stay up with me

but i went on and found my own love
and he wasn't you
and you slowly drifted away

and when he left me
you were someone else
you weren't the friend i once appreciated
you changed

and this time
when you told me you loved me again
you used me

and it wasn't for the love you once told me of
it was for lust

but now i miss you,
and because i didn't love you like you loved me
you left me and became somebody else

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