The Tails of two loved ones

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Your parents were upset about you not passing your classes, but they were a bit happy when they saw you did all your homework. "Yeah, I saw this really smart boy, and he helped me with my homework," you explained. "I hope I see him again tomorrow." When you walked to bed, you said to yourself, "...because he's so cute...." The next day, you felt happy all day​. Your teachers were impressed about your work, you thought of Tails all day, and you couldn't wait to see him again. It was a good day for you. After school, you were walking home, and from that same place, you found Tails, smiling at you. "Hi Tails," you said, smiling. "Hi __________," he replied. "My teachers were impressed about my work and school! They said I have improved quickly! And if I keep it up, I won't need to take summer school!" You were so excited and happy about school, Tails gave you a thumbs up. "That's great," he smiled. You walked closer to him. " "I can't thank you enough, Tails," you said. "I just wish there was something I could do to repay you." "You don't need to. I'm just happy that you're happy," he smiled. ,Just then, you went down on your knees and hugged him. Tails didn't mind it, so he hugged back without any complaints. While you were hugging him, your heart began pounding. You nuzzled his soft fur with your hands. It felt so good. You looked down at his tails. They were wagging pretty fast. You went down to touch one of his tails, and when you did, you heard a yelp from him. You looked at him and saw a light blush across his cheeks. He looked even cuter with that pink blush. Just then, you blurted out, "Tails, you're so cute." Tails blushed deeper and your eyes widened. You then slowly stood up and cleared your throat. "I'm sorry. Um...I gotta get going," you said. "No it's okay," Tails said. " want me to walk you home?" "Yes please!" You immediately said, taking his hands. You then slowly let go. You didn't know what was up with you. You suddenly felt crazy around Tails. He was so cute, you couldn't stand him. Even as a boy, you didn't mind. "I'm so sorry," you said again. When you were about to take a step back, Tails flew up to you, and placed a hand on your cheek. "Hey. It's okay. I understand," he smiled. You blushed as he took​ your hand. As you held your hands, you thought to yourself, "Tails doesn't mind any of the things I've done to him. He doesn't mind the fact that I'm a guy, and...wait...does he know​ I like him? And...does he like me back?" A few minutes later, he finally took you home. "Here you are," he said. "Thank you Tails," you said, staring at his eyes in wonder. "No problem," he said. He stared deep into your eyes while you stared into his. You both didn't realize you were getting too close to each other. You immediately grew surprised, and ended up kissing his cheek! You kissed more and more, and you felt it getting warmer and warmer. You looked and saw Tails blushing madly. A free minutes later, you said, "I'll uh...I'll see you tomorrow," you said. "Okay...," Tails said. His blush slowly faded as you walked inside. "Dang it," you thought. "I wish...I wish he stayed...."

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