CHAPTER 51: Discovered

Start from the beginning

“So where is your mother now”, I asked.

“She is in the human camp, we’ll go see her later”, she said.

“Okay”, I answered, but I was wondering if that was a good idea, her mother was a witch after all.

So we continued to chat and sharpen swords, what I found was that Amelia was indeed a great person, but I had to leave, I didn’t want their lives put in danger, I couldn’t. So I was planning my escape at midnight, she may miss me but it was for the best.

“Hey Amelia, mommy wants to see you”, a little girl came running. Amelia swept her up into her arms.

“Sydney, meet my baby sister, Crystal”, she said, “she is eight”, she finished.

“Hi”, I said.

“Nice to meet you she replied, smiling. She was a beautiful child. It was like something hit me in the gut then, was I willing to risk the lives of these people, the life of this child? I couldn’t do that, I couldn’t, I had to leave tonight.

“Amelia, there you are”, I heard a woman say from behind me. As I turned, I saw a woman, she was in her forties and without a doubt I knew it was Amelia’s mother. I felt uncomfortable immediately.

“Hey mom”, Amelia said.

“I have been waiting for you”, she said.

“Really, Crystal just brought the message”, she replied.

“I have been very uncomfortable the last three days”, she said, “and after what had happened the other night I am fearful that something grave will come upon us”, she said. I threw up all my shields at that point, I wasn’t about to risk exposure when I would soon leave.

“What do you fear, mother”, Amelia asked seriously stepping closer to her mother.

“I am not sure but I want you to be on alert, just incase anything happens, you must take your sister and leave”, she said, and then it was like she suddenly noticed me standing there.

“And who are you”, she asked as she studied my expression, “You look familiar”, she said.

“She is my little sister mom”, Amelia said.

“Really”, she said but she didn’t seem convinced.

You know there is a time when all the hairs on your neck rises? I was having that moment just then, something was up, this woman knew something, just by the way she looked at me, I had no doubt.

“Which one of Neptune’s children are you”, she asked.

“Sydney”, I replied.

 In my brain I was already gearing my avenues of escape just in case it was needed. I wasn’t going to be caught unsuspectingly; I had back up plans right down to z. After what Ophelia had said to me, I really took my life into perspective then, and as I flew I thought. I thought of ways to escape if I needed to, how I would respond to people or mythical alike. I had my knowledge and I had my gifts. I wasn’t about to go down with out a fight, and one thing I was very aware of was that I needed to protect myself at all times. If for any reason I bleed, it would all be over and I was conscious of that.

“I have met almost all of Neptune’s children that are part human and I never met or heard of one whose name was Sydney”, she said stepping towards me.

“Mommy what are you getting at”, Amelia asked.

“Who is your mother”, she continued, I could feel it in my bones, the show down was about to happen, so I began charging myself, I didn’t need it, but just in case.

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