I Can't Believe Im Not Dreaming (chapter 1)

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*Rory's Point of View*

I woke up to my best friend, Samantha crashing through my door and whisper-squeeking to get me up. I glare at her as I rub my hazel eyes, "What Sam? Its only 10 AM." I yawn as I look at my clock on my bed stand with my iphone charging next to it.

"There are three men in our house all I heard before I came in here was the names Buddy, J.P.(The Big Bopper) and Ritchie." Samantha says as I feel my eyes widen. "WHAT" i whisper yell at the now nodding blonde haired blue eyed girl who I share a house with. I throw my robe on and head down to the living room of the house in Iowa, not far from the .......accident and see the three men in my living room from sixty years ago(set in 2019) and realize my surroundings turning dark, the last thing I remember is falling down and then quiet.

*quite a while later still Rory*

I sit up holding my head and groaning not remembering anything until my foggy vision clears and I see Ritchie Valens and let out an ear piercing shriek which makes Buddy, The Big Bopper and Ritchie chuckle and Samantha worry. I had no clue I was crying until Ritchie wiped my tears from my face and whispered, "Don't cry Darlin' " as he hugged me to his chest. I sniffled and looked up at him, " I-It's a-actually you three..." I stutter in shock, earning another chuckle from the men. "Yes Ma'am" Replied Buddy. I looked at Buddy and J.P. shyly and moved my hair as Ritchie let go of me. "Sorry about that whole thing....I guess I am just not used to this yet..." I blush and look down to hide my embarrassment. Ritchie moves my head up with his hands gently and smiles reassuringly at me , "Its ok honey, we are just glad you are ok." the boys all nod as does Sam. I smile softly and kiss Ritchie's cheek shyly before looking down again.

I can't believe Im not dreaming... and this sure will take gettin' used to that is for sure.

A/n: Hello to you reader! I apologize for the rocky first chapter, I do hope you are enjoying this book so far, feel free to leave me a comment if you want. Also Im sorry in advance if it confuses you that i switch between the names J.P. and The Big Bopper like crazy I promise they are the same person and I hope you will forgive me. 

My writing is not the best and I am the first to admit it so please try to ignore any spelling errors that may occur during the story and if punctuation is lacking as well as spelling and capitalization, I know people absolutely HATE reading things with issues like that sometime. In any case I will try to make the story better and longer than any of my other stuff but I still am working on that issue. Anyway have a good day/night and I will work my damnedest to get another chapter up for y'all ASAP but as my state testing is this month and school projects are piling up I make no promises of good or frequent updates but do know I AM putting in all my effort and this summer i will hopefully be better about things like that.

Sorry for the rant a/n.

Have a Rockin' day or night Y'all 

Im not dreamingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora