CHAPTER 43(LAST): The Judgement Day

Start from the beginning

It was true that despite being a 17 year old, the entire coven, the Vermount family, which she belonged to, alongside the entire village treated her way specially, much more than their own kids. While this meant some of her peers being envious of her, she knew that power wasn't her real asset. It was her heart and her endless urge of being a healer that made people extremely fond of her.

She was born to her parents after 10 years of marriage, when they had given up all hopes of having an offspring and had thought that the first line of the Vermount lineage would cease to exist. And then she was here, as a godsend miracle! Her birth had come as a surprise that was celebrated with grandeur of course, given that she was the newest and most needed addition to one of the most renowned covens in Witchcraft, the Vermount family.

She was beautiful, with natural brown wavy tresses, hazel eyes with a golden tinge, and a fair white porcelain complexion. If that was not all, she was also a gifted singer, whose melodious voice was nothing less than the tranquil, saccharine voice of a Blue Jay.

Their ancestors had told that she was meant for bigger things, things that was way beyond their own understanding and that a lot of difference would be seen from the time she was born, and it did happen.

The village began to flourish. Unnatural deaths began to reduce, and people felt a strange positivism surrounding them always from the time Sophronia came into the world.

She was known as nature's miracle.

And that's exactly why she was suddenly enveloped in an inexplicable guilt today as she lifted her gaze to look at a confused Amayah, and taking a deep breath, she averred,

''I feel guilty of defying nature, Amayah. Mother has always said that we must always be in service of nature, use our gift to heal, to bring colors into the world. But today, by creating this spell, I have defied nature. No one is supposed to live forever, but I- I made a spell that defies that law, making nature itself a loophole. And you do remember what mother calls a defiance to the nature right?''

Amayah gulped as she heard Sophronia say the last sentence, her insides twisting a little for that was something they were taught from childhood to condemn and never even think about let alone speak about it, lest they got caught in its cobwebs.

But before she could even reel in its effects, she heard Sophronia add,

''It's dark magic, Amayah. By practicing this spell, even though on a butterfly I just practiced dark magic. And I regret it. I feel miserable.''

Fresh tears trickled down her cheek, blurring her vision a little as Amayah quickly gathered a little petrified Sophronia in her arms, caressing her back as she tried to pacify her.

Minutes passed as the two cousins stayed like that before Amayah slowly pulled away from the hug, though she didn't let go of Sophronia's hand, as she wiped her tears and said with conviction,

''Sophie, don't you cry. I know what you must be feeling right now. But you do remember right? Dark magic is what harms the others, the innocent ones. And you have never even done anything remotely close to that. What aunt Ryvah has told you, you have always abided by that. So, don't you blame yourself.''

As Sophronia's sobs stifled a little hearing Amayah's words, she looked at her, the usual twinkle in her eyes returning a little, as the words finally began to make sense to her.

It was only after a while that she spoke,

''I don't know what to do with this spell Amayah. There's no way a spell once created can be destroyed forever. It can only be hidden, but I don't know what to do with it.''

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