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hey!! i apologized to brielle

it went pretty well

i mean, she threw a shoe at me but at least i apologized

that's great ethan!!

that you apologized, i mean. it's not great that she threw a shoe at you

violence is never the answer!!

stop the fucking violence!!

ngl it's really weird to see you swear bc when we started talking you didn't really swear at all

have i corrupted you? *wiggles eyebrows*


you wish

i'm the master of being bad and swearing

okay isak valtersen


that's it, we gotta be best friends (i mean, you'll never be able to replace luna she'll always be my #1) and binge skam ok gr8

i've actually only seen the third season bc emma made me

what the fuck ethan

when we meet i'm going to binge the two first seasons with you okay they are really good and they have good messages

also they have badass women and we need more of them on tv


okay so we're watching skam and eating junk food when you come here


yikes i've got to go maddy is waiting for me, we're supposed to be shooting a scene in a few


and none for gretchen wieners

mean girls? rlly?

the only thing imma tell you is that jughead needs to be protected and cheryl is my daughter okok gr8

uhm okay

what about paige?

paige is just full of surprises ;))

anyway, i've got to go. ttyl cutkosky!!

bye tiff :)

VICTORIOUS || ETHAN CUTKOSKYWhere stories live. Discover now