Why am I thinking of her?

It pains me to know that I had her. I had all of her. Now I have none of her. She needed me and all I did was cry.

I looked beside me, Brian was next to me.

Brian was Jessica's ex. So I heard. He was short, he was maybe up to my shoulder. He had brown-ish eyes, and curly hair to match. He was a lot shorter than me, but a lot muscular than me.

Him and I talked before. But we didn't say much. He would ask for a pencil a few times, and I'd ask for some paper. It wasn't much. But he still knew who I was.

"Hey, man," I said, starting up a conversation with him, hoping that talking to someone else would get my mind off Liza.

"Wassup, dude," He said back with a smile.

We started talking. About what? Who knows. But I left that classroom with Liza far from my mind. And I'm satisfied with that.


Tuesday night.

Here I am staring at myself again in the mirror. Typical outfit.

My phone vibrated, I immediately turned around to see the notification. It was Jessica;

i'm ready ☺️

I read.

I sighed as I grabbed my phone to shove into my pocket. Liza's note was still there, folded the way she left it.

I grabbed my keys, turned off the lights and closed the door. I walked out the front door easily. No one was home to question me.

I was soon on my way to Jessica's. A part of me genuinely excited.

I parked across the street from her house; the same spot I had parked the night of the party.

I double checked myself to make sure I looked okay. It wasn't a serious date, but I still felt the need to.

I walked up the steps to her door. I knocked gently, as I awkwardly waited.

The sound of the door opening caused me to look up. I saw Jessica standing there, with the brightest smile.

With that contagious smile, I couldn't help but have the same bright smile on my face, too.

"You ready?" I asked,

She nodded, as she shut the front door, "Sure am!"

We were now on our way back to my car. I didn't know if I should do anything. Should I grab her hand? Should we lock arms? Should I even be considering anything?

I looked at her up and down, "You look nice." I told her, deciding to just compliment her.

Her wide smile got even wider. She looked down at herself, "Thank you, Davey!" She then moved her eyes to me, "You look nice, too," She returned the compliment, "That's not new, though. You always look nice."

I giggled quietly, as I opened up the passenger door for her. "Shut up," I said, acting as if I didn't enjoy her comment.

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