Chapter 15 - Liar

Start from the beginning

"Don't jinx us." (Y/N) scolds and he sighs at the busted stairs.  "Whoops. Spoke too soon."

She climbs back out and uses the building to get the way up. Nate and (Y/N) manages to get inside first and he crouches under a broken ladder. "Want a lift?"

"I'd love a lift." She replies and he smiles, pushing her up just as Sam joins them. 

"Delivery!" (Y/N) calls, pushing down a chest and he clambers up first, followed by Nate. She  makes her way out, overlooking multiple buildings and the mountain with the teeth in the distance.

"Whoa. Quite the crow's nest, huh?" Nate mumbles and then points in the distance. "There is it. Just on the other side of the river."

"Well, whaddya say we go... rob from the rich, huh?" Sam asks, already at the edge and he turns, clambering down and disappears from sight. Following behind , Nate takes the rear.

"So, how long you figure it'll take to get to New Devon?" (Y/N) questions.

"Well, couple hours. Depends on what or who we bump into along the way." Nate answers but nearing the balcony, a rocket explodes into it, making it crumble under the impact.

"RPG!" Sam shouts and (Y/N) falls down to his level, stumbling and looking up to see Nate hanging on a pole. Naturally, it breaks and she rushes forward to help.

"(Y/N)! Move!" Sam warns, pulling her inside and the debris lands behind them. Coughing, she cups her hands to her mouth. "Nate! Down here!"

"I'm coming! Where are you?" He shouts back and stumbling into Sam, the pair narrowly avoid more mess. Looking up, (Y/N) spots a whole lot more shooting towards them.

"Shit, look out!" Nate presses himself to the wall across from them and Sam shields (Y/N). Once it's past he jumps to the stairs his family were at and they begin running down.

"Something tells me they've had enough of us!" Sam jokes and his brother rolls his eyes.  "Really? What gives you that idea?"

"Don't wait, just go!" (Y/N) orders Sam, who gets the to bottom first. Nate and his wife go to jump together, but another explosion sends them flying into the wall. Sam rushes to them and (Y/N) leans on her arms, groaning from the impact. "Nathan! (Y/N)! Get up, we gotta go! We gotta go!" His voice is desperate as he helps the two up.

(Y/N) goes to stand up but another explosion makes her stumble again. The building begins falling to the side and they all slide along with it. Her and Sam jump across to the building and Nate just misses it, but grapples onto the bottom. "Nate! Up here, climb the rope!" She calls.

He climbs up and screams run, allowing his wife to follow Sam; everything crumbling around them.

"Don't slow down! Don't stop. Don't stop! Don't slow down!" Sam repeats, trying to be encouraging and the trio jump, Nate managing to hold on to the edge, his knuckles white.

"Nathan!" Sam grabs him, hauling him up. Across from them, the door blasts open and two heavily armoured guys shoot machine guns.

"This is nuts!" (Y/N) whispers, running to the end and slamming her weight into the doors. They fall open and the brothers rush to the next set, stopping for a breather.Sam and (Y/N) aim their pistols at different angles to the door and Nate hesitates.

"Go." She whispers and he nods, pushing it slightly, but a grenade lands at his feet.

"Grenade!" He shouts and they scramble back. Sam grabs (Y/N) back with him onto the ledge whilst the rest breaks, making Nate fall. "Nathan!" Sam shouts, eyeing his sister-in-law who was breathing heavily. 

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