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The birth of the Silver Wolf!! Haha! This is another story I plan on rewriting and refining since, as you can probably tell, the Silver Wolf still means a lot to me. But yeah! Please enjoy the following excerpt from Vigilante!

I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. A blinding white light made me shut them closed again. I was aware of a gas mask sort of thing on my face that fed air into my mouth and lungs. I hated fire. A lot. I was aware that I wasn't in my Silver Wolf outfit. I squinted my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I turned my head and looked into the smiling face of my adopted mother.

"You're awake, Selena! That's good!" She said.

"What happened?" I croaked. Mom took my hand in hers.

"When the leaves caught fire, no one could reach you. When they finally pulled you out, you were completely covered in smoke. Completely. So when they pulled off your mask, they still didn't know who you were. When they weren't looking, I took you home! You know, it's a good thing I'm a doctor." She told me with a slight smile. I couldn't help but laugh. It was short lived, though. My identity was almost compromised and now they had the perfect tool to figure out who I am. Worst of all was that Haze knew my weakness. In a way, this was all my fault. If I hadn't gone berserk and knocked the match out of his hand, I wouldn't be here in the first place! If I hadn't been stupid enough to tell that man my fear and why I was afraid, they wouldn't be able to check records and stuff like that. I sighed and sat up. A pro about being part wolf was that I healed fairly quickly and it took a lot to hurt me. Mom looked like she was going to protest but I put my hand up to silence her.

"What about school?" I asked. She looked confused.

"School? After all this, you want to go to school? Selena, you are hardly ready. You are still suffering from the smoke and you are badly burned." She said. I looked at myself. There were no burn marks on me anywhere.

"Mom, I'm not burned at all! Don't try and keep me from going! If I don't go to school, they will start putting two and two together!" I contradicted. She sighed.

"Fine. But there is no use in going right now, it's practically midnight!" She said. I jaw dropped.

"Midnight? Midnight! I've been out that long? What's happened? Who's hurt? Where's Haze? This is terrible!" I exclaimed. I jumped to my feet and the gas mask flew off. I felt the difference instantly. My throat was all scratchy and my breath was wheezy. Perfect. My chest ached when I breathed, but I took out the wolf pendant anyway. Mom's eyes widened.

"How do you do it? Every day, you go out and save the city, risk your life, and for nothing in return!" She said. I changed into Silver Wolf and looked her in the eye.

"I do get something in return. Every time I see a child walking to school with their parents, safe and happy, I know I am doing the right thing. This city is all I have left, and I will do anything for this city." I said. I changed into a wolf and jumped out of the window. The night air was soothing on my lungs, and I felt at home under the stars. I trotted along in the shadows. I had to know what had gone on...

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