will swara accepts sanskar's help ??

Start from the beginning

swara reminses of sanskar’s words saying that he can make immpossible things possible
swara – dad really can he do anything
shekhar – yes ofcourse he is very talented and intelligent person i am really happy that our company is going to deal with his
swara – that’s cool dad he should be lucky to have a deal with u people u r intelligent dad especially my mohit
shekhar – yes swara he is really working hard for our company take care of him
swara is happy to listen these words for mohit she is on cloud nine as she knows her brother and her father don’t share a gud equation but she knows her father loves mohit alot
swara – ofcourse dad i will take care of him
shekhar – ok now go and sleep if that ravan woke up he will shout diiiii and imitates his voice
swara laughs and goes

@sanskar’s room in mm
sanskar is not able to sleep he thinks whether swara accepts his deal or not
he says to himself “u are sanskar maheshwari how can she reject u ” and sleeps
(actually sanskar doesn’t know that swara is rich and she is the daughter of shekhar and owner of the hospital )
@swara’s room
she thinks of her father’s words that he can do anything swara to herself “if he can do anything he can unite my brother and sister also so i hav to accept his deal but she think of his words and hurting her )
Swara to herself “i am accepting ur deal mr.maheshwari but i can’t forgive u easily for wat u hav done
next morning
swara and mohit goes to their respective places
ragini reaches the college with her new car and comes out aftr parking just then lakshya comes there to drop uttara laksh sees ragini and thinks to become her frnd today at anycost
laksh – uttara i will accompany u until ur class
uttara – bhai i am not a kid i am doing my pg so please let me go
laksh- okay then let me come with u until ur frnd comes as these seniors will never leave a chance to rag juniors but as i also studied in this college i am senior to them so i can protect u got it
laksh thinks to himself “i hav told all the stuff which i got in my mind but she is not responding wat is my devil sister going through”
Uttara after a long gap tells”okay come”
Laksh feels happy and gets down he hits ragini unknowingly all her books fell down but he picks all of them and gives to her and says sorry
ragini – its ok but even the mistake is mine too
Uttara – ok bhai i got my frnd so u can leave
laksh – wat ??

I mean i will stay here until ur classes begin lets hav a cup of coffee
ragini and uttara – ok
but uttara thinks wat is he doing he hav important meetings at ofc but he is with me wats happening i hav to find out
ragini laksh and uttara reaches cantene
they all hav coffee
laksh pays but ragini insists to take money then laksh says
laksh – i am ur frnd can’t i pay for u ??
Uttara – when did u both become frnds
laksh – my devil if we hav not become then lets become frnds while think a logic if she is ur frnd then she is my frnd too
uttara – ok i hav another logic if u r my brother then bocome her brother too
laksh coughs heavily and thinks to himself
“Bhai ne sahi naam rakha he ye devil sister nahi danger sister hai )
laksh – actually ragini dont feel bad she is like that only
ragini – why will i feel bad infact she is correct bhayya
laksh holds his heart tightly
uttara understands everything and controlls her laugh
laksh – please dont cal me like that
ragini being dumb she cannot understand and asks why
laksh -wooo wooo stammers and says actually i already hav a sister who is sucking my blood every day so i hav a fobia of sisters so lets be frnds
ragini laughs and says ok and laksh thinks to go “pata nahi agar kuch aur der ruka tho kya kya bulayegi mujhe )

swara sees sanskar’s visiting card and calls him while his pa attends the call
pa – hello karma grp of companies who is this
swara – hello i am dr.swara can u make me talk to mr.sanskar maheswari
pa – mam sir is in his cabin i will talk to him and if he agrees i will connect ur call
swara- ok tanq
pa – please hold on mam and calls to sanskar

Sanskar – maya i hav told u not to disturb me
maya – i am sorry sir but i hav a call for u sir.
sanskar – call ?? Who is it
pa – sir its dr.swara
sanskar – immediately says yes connect
swara – hello mr.maheswari

sanskar – hi swara finally u hav decided to accept my proposal
swara – yes but just for brother and sister’s sake
sanskar – ya i know but we cant discuss this in phone right so i will give u my personal number please call on that
swara -ok
she notes down the number and about to say bye
sanskar – ok lets meet in the evng at greentree restaurent
swara – wat restrnt ?? I dont come to that places without my brother
sanskar – then come with ur brother
swara – i dont know how u became a owner of such a big company u dont hav minumus common sense
sanskar -hello miss..
swara – hold on mr.maheswari my brother shouldnot know about this
sanskar – ok then where shall we meet
swara – at my hospital
sanskar – wat i hate hospitals
swara – ok then i will tell u a coffee shop please come there
sanskar – coffee shop aur sanskar maheswari
swara – ok then i dont want to forgive u i can do my work on my own she tells becozz she know that he will stop her
sanskar – ok i will come

and cuts the line
sanskar thinks to himself “she is just a doctor i should hav thought from her point of view she is middle class and i should have understood her that she cannot meet him alone in coffee shop as people gossip abou them
(Actually sanskar is thinking her to be a middle class girl though he knows her surname he didnot pay much attention to it )
He thinks to call her again but thinks “no let her come to the coffee shop i can spend more time with her at coffee shop than at that hospital and her boring cabin )
swara calls mohit and asks him not to come to her clinic as she is going some where as she has an important work
mohit thinks “war important work everthing she tells to me but wat is this may be some surprise anyways di will tell me by evng and says
mohit – ok di take care
swara is very simple and she maintains a scooty as she loves driving scooty
@coffee shop

Swara came in her scooty sanskar sees this and smiles oh she came she looks very cute in her sakwars and composes himself and saya sanskar wat r u doing u came here to make her forgive u not to make her ur girlfrnd
swara came inside and sat infront of him
swara-hi mr.maheshwari
sanskar – first of all dont cal me mr.maheshwari cal me sanskar
swara – but….
sanskar – please swara as i am not calling u DR.SWARA GAA….see even i dont remember ur surname then y r u calling me by my surname
swara – ok i am sry mr.mahe..
sry mr.sanskar
sanskar – please remove that mr.also
swara – ok now lets talk about work
Sanskar – itni jaldi kya hai ??
Swara – becoz i hav to spend time with my family rather than with u
sanskar – i know that u r so close to ur family but even this is for ur family right ??
Swara – ok fine

sanskar – lets order something
swara – ok order something
sanskar orders something and they starts eating while eating he asks her
sanskar – swara wat happened
swara – she is about to say some thing but her phone rings
she tells excuse me and lifts the call
its her dad
shekhar – swara where r u even mohit doesn’t know
swara – dad i am sry i didnot even tell him but i hav an important work
shekhar – wat happened beta is everything fine ??
swara – yes dad everything is fine u dont worry i am planning a gift to my sister
shekhar – wat r u serious ??
Swara – yes dad i am but please dont tell anything to mohit i will talk to latr u guys hav dinner and please tell dada and dadi to hav their medicines and u too hav ur bp tablet
shekhar – ok meri maa ok
sanskar thinks to himself how caring she is
swara – i am sorry sanakar dad called me he was tensed for me becozz this is the first time in mu life that even my brother don’t know where i am exactly
sanskar- ok now all ur problms gets solved but u hav to tell me exactly wat happened and why ur brother hates ur sister
swara gets into deep thinking……

Precap- swara refuses to tell sanskar the reason but they make a plan slowly swara and sanskar becomes frnds and swara forgives him but will sanskar be able to know that she is actually SWARA SHEKHAR GADODIA ??
shekhar and mohit comes ti sanskars ofc for the deal and swara is also present there

DR. SWARA AND MR. SANSKAR LEADS TO SWASAN Where stories live. Discover now