tommy mancuso [for hannah]

540 12 9

requested by @TheCubesGlader


THE hallways instantly filled with a boisterous noise. Lips moving and vocal cords sounding all around. The squeaking of sneakers echoed as people rushed to their lockers and off to class.

I shuffled over to my locker quickly, trying to not be noticed by some of the douchebag jocks in this school. I managed to get to my locker without any trouble, at least that's what I thought.

I grabbed my books and shut my locker closed, turning around afterwards only to be met by the faces of the well known douchebags.

The two of them smiled evilly and stepped closer which resulted in me backing into my locker.

"Leave me alone, assholes." I spoke confidently, yet terrified of what they'd do next.

"Well well, what do we have here?" One of them chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Oh screw you Dimitri," I retorted, fixing my gaze on him.

"Hey, who gives you the right to talk to him like that?" His friend Travis commented, clearly mad now.

"I give myself the right, now piss off." Just then my books got slammed out of my arms leading them to crash to the floor. "What the hell, man?!" I yelled, which gave Travis the opportunity to grab my arms and pin them above my head against the locker.

I hissed out in pain as my bare skin slapped against the cold metal.

"Hey! Get off of her!"

I looked to my right only to see my best friend Tommy run towards us, oh thank lord.

"Awe, her lover is coming to save the day. How cute." Dimitri commented, clearly being sarcastic.

Travis was still pinning my arms against the locker as Tommy approached.

"I said get off of her." He said, pissed of at Travis.

"And what if I don't?" Travis asked cockily, making me roll my eyes in frustration.

"Or this," Tommy spoke, immediately decking Travis in the nose, resulting in him landing on the cold, dirty floor with blood trickling down his face.

"THE FUCK, MANCUSO?!" Travis yelled, placing his fingers on his face only to feel a warm liquid masking his nose down. He pulled his fingers away to examine them. Once he sighted that his fingertips were covered in a red liquid, he jumped up and tackled Tommy to the ground, making my heart race.

Travis threw multiple punches at Tommy, making blood spew from his face. Tommy managed to kick Travis off and take over. He repeatedly punched Travis' face in the same spot each time.

After trying to pry Tommy off of Travis multiple times, he eventually let us pull him off, leaving Travis a bloody mess on the floor.

I grabbed Tommy and his things and dragged him out of the school, completely ignoring the Councilors calls for Tommy and I.

"We're going to Colonnade diner," I told him as we got in his car. I, of course, was driving.

Minutes later, we arrived and I reached in the center console to grab the bandaids and rubbing alcohol Tommy keeps in there.

"This will sting, Tommy." I warned before I began to wipe his cuts with the alcohol wipe.

He hissed at the pain and grabbed the dashboard. "Ow," he winced as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologized, continuing to clean up the cuts while he bounced his knee repeatedly to distract himself from the pain.

I sighed in frustration. I was the reason these cuts and this blood was plastered across Tommy's face. I was the cause.

"Hannah, what's wrong?" Tommy asked, concerned on why I was sighing in frustration.

"I'm the reason you're injured, Tommy! If I hadn't talked back to those assholes, you wouldn't be hurt right now! It's all my fault!" I yelled, completely ignoring Tommy's plead for me to stop saying it was my fault.

"Hannah, stop. This wasn't your fault, okay? I was the one who yelled at Travis, and I was the one who decked Travis, and I was the one who got in a fight with Travis. None of this was caused by you, okay?" He explained, trying to calm me down.

"But-" "No! End of story." He finished.

By now his face was cleaned and all bandaged up.

"Oh god," I whispered, staring at the wheel.

"Hannah..." Tommy started, sensing something was about to happen.

"Oh god," I said louder, fingers now tangled in my hair. That's when I bursted.

"What's going to happen? Are you going to get suspended? Or even worse, expelled? I can't live with that! What about your parents? Are they going to blame this on me? My god, what about Travis and Dimitri? Are they going to continue to bully me, and maybe even you? Is something really bad going to happen next time they-" "Hannah, it's all going to be just fine. Everything is going to be okay. Don't worry." Tommy explained, grabbing my face in his hands and staring deep into my brown eyes.

"You're okay. We're okay." He spoke just above a whisper.

I watched him intently as his eyes flicked down to my lips for a split second. And without hesitation, Tommy gently pressed his lips to mine. The soft texture of his pink lips against mine calmed my heart beat quickly. The gentle movements of our lips soon came to an end as we pulled apart.

Faces now inches apart, a smile tugged at my lips. He began to lean in again, but this time not quite touching my lips.

"I'll always be here, Hannah. And i'll always be there for you. I won't leave you alone to face the world alone. I'll be by your side th-" "Oh just shut up and kiss me already," I laughed, pressing my lips to his once more.


@TheCubesGlader hey, hope you liked this one. If you'd like me to change anything or re-write it, feel free to tell me. Also, request as many imagines as you want, i'll be glad to write them.

imagines | m.h.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ