Story 2

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This is another joint fanfic. We'll be jumping from character to character. It is based on 7th year Draco and Harry. With flashbacks to 6th year.



"Ronald Weasley!" A red-headed, slightly stout woman yelled down the platform. "Get your sorry arse back over here!" She gesticulated wildly, brandishing a wetwipe, "You have dirt on your nose, again!"

Ron huffed and scurried into the carriage. Hoping to escape his mothers extremely embarrassing smothering. Fred and George leaped in after him. Obviously having just escaped their mother too. They nodded in his direction before taking off in the direction of their best friend Lee's voice.

Speaking of best friends. Harry, he needed to find Harry. Ron scoured the train in search of his unpredictable BFF. Ducking into to several compartments on his way through the train. Enquiring whether anyone knew the whereabouts of the great harry potter. No-one had seen him.

Finally, he narrowed it down to one carriage. The smallest, dirtiest, compartment at the very rear of the train. Hoping to find him he shoved open the door. His eyes widened. Draco. Draco Malfoy. Was in a carriage with Harry. Their horrified expressions mirrored his own. "As I was just saying Dra-Malfoy," harry snarled, "I found this compartment first!" "Fine!" Draco huffed and stalked down the carriage. Ron flopped into a seat. All this thinking made his brain hurt.



Harry was thrumming with excitement. Any thought of Voldemort was shadowed by the excitement of starting his 6th year at hogwarts. The great hall was bustling with students and children waiting to be sorted. Harry was glad he would never have to do that again. He settled down beside Ron who was having a heated discussion with Hermione.

"I'm telling you Ronald, I heard him with my own bloody ears." Hermione hissed.

"Well, I reckon if they were bloody you can't have heard him very well!" Ron exclaimed disbelievingly.

Oh boy, Harry wasn't sure why he expected their newfound relationship to be any different from their old friendship. They were always butting heads but now making out was also another thing they loved to do almost as much as fighting. Harry shook his head clear of thoughts as Dumbledore called for silence.

"Boys and girls of Hogwarts, tonight will surely be taken down in history for there will be a Re-sorting ceremony for all the sixth and seven years!" A collective gasp echoed around the hall.

Harry shook his head once again. Had Dumbledore gone mad? Then Harry froze in terror and realisation. The sorting hat wouldn't listen to him twice, he would for sure be sorted into Slytherin!



"SLYTHERIN," the hat didn't even touch Draco's head. He smirked, he had had nothing to worry about. That was the house he was born for.

Several other people stepped up to be resorted. "Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, SLYTHERIN!" The final call sent a gasp through the hall. Whispers erupted. Filling the room with a soft, wind like sound. He looked up to see none other that Potter sat on the sorting stool. Like everyone else in the room, he looked horrified.

Tears formed in the corners of his emerald eyes. He bit his bottom lip and ducked his head. Taking the walk of shame to the Slytherin table. The distraught 'saviour' flopped on the bench and put his head in his hands. More shouts from the hat declared Granger a Ravenclaw and Weaslebee a Hufflepuff. Draco stifled a giggle. Weaslebee, where he belonged.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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