Experiment Part 3

Start from the beginning

'Don't worry, we will find him and get him out alive.'

Peter tiredly watched as two guards dragged a small, sagging form back to one of the cells on the other side of the cellblock. The kid was thrown into the cell and the guards locked in, somewhat laughing at the poor person's pain. Peter rolled his eyes as the guards passed his cell.

'What are you looking at, freak?' The guard stabbed at him before laughing again as they both walked out.

'Such nice people, aren't they?' Ororo joked.

Isabel scoffed. 'And I thought my dad beating me for being a mutant was bad. As soon as you think you found the cruelest person in the world, the universe does its best to prove you wrong.'

'Well, we're mutants, the universe is always trying to prove us wrong.' Jean muttered.

'Or at least show us that it's a dick.' Peter joked.

No more than a split second later the ground began to shake. The sound of all the cell doors rattling echoed through the space, deafening everyone including the guards. The mutants in other cells sat up, startled. The lamps above them started to slowly fade weaker as static sound filled the air.

'What the hell is going on!?' Isabel yelled.

Peter looked up and saw the lights go out, showing small dark red sparks in the air as all the electricity in the building went out. Peter felt a tingle go through his entire body and realized his hand was vibrating again. He laughed out loud.

'Hell yeah!'

Slowly the others in the room realized what was happening, resulting in happy roaring from the mutants, while the guard barked orders into their coms requesting immediate back up.

Peter smirked. No back up would be fast enough.

The mutants in their cells started fully wake up, re gain their strength and readied themselves for the battle that was coming. But the doors were still locked.

'Jean, can you open them?!' Peter asked.

'I'm trying!'

'There is no need for that.' A familiar voice filled the room, coming from behind the guarded door. The two guards turned around and dropped their ground as they laid eyes on Magneto. Before they could say a word, Magneto threw them back against the wall.

'You keep us here like inferior beings, when it's obvious when you are the inferior ones.'

With one flick of his hand, Magneto opened the doors to all the cells, letting out all the mutants. He quickly rushed over to Peter, and opened his mouth to ask questions.

'I'm fine.' Peter said as his dad reached him. 'Well, I guess not really fine, but we've got more important things to do, and you're already angry enough to kill everyone here anyway. So let's just get out of her.'

Erik chuckled slightly and put his hand on his son's shoulder. 'It's good to see you again, Peter.'

'Can we just get out of here?!' Jean called as she, Ororo and Isabel reached them.

'Yes, we can. But before we do.' He took out 4 sets of ear plugs. 'Take these. They will let us communicate among each other, as well as block out Isabel's singing.

Isabel grinned. 'Then let's do this.'

The five of them stalked down the corridors, taking out any guards they ran into. It was liberating to finally use their powers again, and for many of the captured mutants, they had never enjoyed their powers more. By the time they reached the experimentation lab, they had knocked down at least 80 guards.

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