Chapter One: Back to Hogwarts

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"Can we sit here?" Neville asked nervously, not taking his unsuring eyes off Luna. He looked very uncomfortable, I must say.

Ginny and I nod without thinking about it, since Luna and Neville have been our friends for awhile now. They were also in the D.A and they were at the Hogwarts Battle. Neville did very good, I must say. He stood up to Voldemort, and killed Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor. I doubt anyone from Slytherin can call him "Wimpy Longbottom" or "Loser-Bottom" like every year before.

Luna dreamly sat next to me, her bright, long, white hair draped down her body, some of her hair resting on my knee. Neville slowly sat himself down next to Ginny, who gave Neville a smile that he weakly returned.

"Come on, Neville!" Ginny says loudly, "Why are you so shy and nervous again? You killed Nagini, you should feel so brave!"

It took a minute for what Ginny said to sink into Neville.

"Yeah, I guess..." Neville moaned.

"Your parents would be proud. And obviously your Grandmother is! She can't bring you down now!" I say reasurringly.

"You were quite good." Luna said lightly.

A sudden flush of pink sparked in Neville's cheeks and he grinned broadly.

"Thanks." He says, looking down at his lap.

"Neville, I must ask you," I said, remembering something from last year, "why are you here again last year? I mean, I'm here because I couldn't complete my seventh year  last year because I was gone with Harry, but you were here. So why come back again this year?"

My question certainly made Ginny and Luna think about that as well.

"Well, I never really got a chance to finish them last year," Neville began, "plus I wasn't very happy with my NEWTs resultes, and neither was Grams. So, here I am."

All the three of us nodded in understanding. It made sense to me.

"How was your summer, Luna?" Ginny asked.

"Oh, quite fantastic, really. My father was usually proud. He wrote a story about it in the Quibbler, got a interview from me, he did. Also he has a new artical on Nargals. Apparently they can effect the magcin in our wands now." Luna said dreamly.

My mind drifted else where as Luna told us about the Nargals. I suddenly remembered I had to meet the Head Boy in another compartment. I bid my friends farewell, and I speed walk to the compartment where I find Professor Flitwick, my short, balding, Charms teacher, sitting across from the Head Boy. I sighed deeply when I see who it is. I could see his blonde hair and stormy grey eyes from a mile away.

I hesitantly slide open the compartment door.

"Hello Professor Flitwick, I'm so sorry I'm late! I loss track of time." I said, gingerly taking a seat next to the Head Boy.

"No worries, no worries, Miss Granger." Squeaks Flitwick, "I was just telling Mister Malfoy here about the new arrangements."

"New arrangements?" I ask.

"Oh, so you weren't told either." Flitwick realizes, "Oh, well, the Head Boy and Girl sort of have a tower to themselves. Instead of going to their different houses to sleep and such. You will have your own rooms, common room, and bathrooms. Like the Gryffindor Tower, Miss Granger, I believe you are familiar with that. Yes, well, I'm sure you could show Mister Malfoy here around. Girls on the lefts, Boys on right, I do believe. Oh, and I think it would be of useful information to inform you that it's the fourth tower, and the password is "Flanteric". You may go back to your compartments now, and Mister Malfoy, you should put your robes on, I believe we'll be arriving soon."

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