Chapter 1

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Crosses POV

I woke up to the wake up call, like usual. I was quietly laying in bed till the second bell rung, so I swiftly got up and changed clothes.

Hi there! My name is Cross! And you all are reading about me I guess. Anyways, I'll explain what's happening. This story is about my best friends life, and mine, as we adventured into the outside world, and became apart of a group called freedom fighters! Basically, ever since my mother died, my father has taken me, and my best friend, Ink, into, well, prostitution..
We were pulled into it at the age of 11... We didn't really know what was happening, so we didn't complain. The only thing we did really complain about was not being able to see our friends, or Inks family, since I was very close to the Comyet family.
I was able to have a seek at the Tv one time, to see mrs. Comyet on the tv, crying, Ink and I being mentioned. It was only till I was 13 was when I had my first time... it wasn't pleasant since the person was a sadist, but Ink comforted me afterwards. Time skip to now, where Ink and I are going to school again. Anyway, back to the story.

As I walked out of my room, I saw Ink walking towards y room, smiling. My father said that Ink and I were the few who brightened the place up. Ink grabbed my hand as we ran towards the eating area. When we got there, my father hugged us.
Ink and I hugged back, since we both loved to see people smile, and he always smiled when we hugged him. My father let go of us, motioning for us to go get food. We swiftly got our food, and sat down at our table. We had a table with my father and this other guy I didn't know, but he was cool.
Dad said they wanted to protect us from the other people here since they would rape us. We sat there, talking and eating till we finished, just then noticing that my father, nor the guy were there. We looked at each other as we walked towards the main hall, where they told us to meet them the day before.
When we got there, we saw them with two bags. The first one was tan and blue, along with some other colors. While the second one was different shades of reds, and cream. When they saw us, they softly smiled as they motioned us over. That was when we saw the people our age standing there with backpacks.
Blue, Gensy, Geno, Sci, and Sugar. They all also had backpacks, different colors of course. "Hello Cross, Ink." My father said to us, catching the attention of the other teens. Their eyes seemed to widen at seeing us. "Hello dad/Mr. Jakei!" We both said, almost sounding innocent. "Anyways, you two with be part of the group to go to school." Dad said as he pointed to the other skeletons who were still staring at us. "Ok!" We both chirped as the guy dad works with had us follow him with the others to a big car.

 All of us swiftly got in as the guy handed us uniforms. "These are the uniforms the school has you wear. Lust will be there to make sure no one hurts you, so keep close to him. Got it?" The guy said as we all nodded. As he started to drive, we all started to change. I notice the large scars on the glitching skeleton, worrying me. "Are you ok?" I asked him, startling the other skeletons. "Why do you sound to weird?" Asks the glitching skeleton.

"The reason he sounds 'weird' is due to the fact that he and Ink are from another country. Cross being from England, and Ink being from France. They never picked up on the American accents." The guy said as the skeletons nod their heads. Soon we got to the school, already changed and the bags on our backs. "Bye!" We all say as we run towards uncle Lust. The reason behind him being my  uncle is due to the fact he was born 2 years before me. My dad was only 18 when mom had me, so lust and I are very close. "Heya Cross! Are you all ready to go?" Lust asks, us all nodding our heads as he holds Inks and I's hands, walking towards the school. 

The moment enter, everyone looks at us with wide eyes. "What's going on?" Sci asked. We all shrug as Lust leads us to the office. We soon get there, all of us walking into the room. Suddenly, Lust was pinned to a wall as a woman asks if we are ok. "Really?" I hear Geno say, sounding annoyed. "Why did you pin Uncle Lust to the wall?" I asked, somewhat sassily as I raise my eyebrow at them. Now, this seemed to shock them. 

"How is he your uncle when-" "Cross was born two years after I was born. His father was only 18 when he got Cross, so him and I are only 16 years apart, now let me go!" Lust exclaims as the goat lets Lust go. Geno snorts while the rest of us giggle. The goat woman sighs as she hands papers to Lust, and then waves us out of the room. We all swiftly go out of the room, Lust picking me up and giving me a piggy back ride to our class.

People stared, shocked I think. But there was this one dude who stared at me. He was amazing. I could feel my cheeks and the collar around my neck heat up as I hid my head. I guess Lust must have felt the collar heating up, cause he paused, seeming shocked till he continued on. We soon got to class, Lust setting me down as we all sit down in a cluster in the back. Lust soon hands the papers he got to us. I looked at it, and it was a schedule apparently.

(Crosses schedule)

1st period - English - Mr. Scotch
2nd period - Math - Mrs. Joku
3rd period- History - Mrs. Rouge
4th period - Gym - Mrs. Piggys
5th period- Art - Mrs. Comyet
6th period - Lunch
7th period - Science - Mr. Fox
8th period - Study hall - Mrs. Nekophy
On Tuesday's and Wednesday - Gym and Art with switch places

Ink and I looked at each other, confused till Geno takes our papers. "We have the same classes together, so it will be easier to find them now." Geno says as a bell rings. "Ok, since this is our first class together, just listen to me. Don't make anyone hate you. So don't talk in this class or Mr. Scotch will yell at you. Ok?" Lust swiftly explained as people started piling into the room. I saw the skeleton from before and softly blush. He looked strait at me, his eyes fierce. 

He could tell I had been looking at him. I swiftly look away, hearing a chuckle from him as he sits next to me. The teacher soon starts class, talking loudly as I shift, my scarf moving to show the red and white collar. I could feel his eyes stare at it as Lust swiftly fixes it, his small bandanna messing its self up, showing is purple collar. Lust mumbled curses as he swiftly fixed his bandanna. 

I looked over a bit to see his face. I almost fell off of my chair when I saw Mr. Scotch there. Yelling soon filled the room as insults were thrown back and forth between the guy and the teacher. Soon the teacher just sends him out of the room. The guy looks at me I think and has a pissed off look on his face as he hurried out. Lust looked at me to see the collar glowing. Only we can see it, the reasons unknown, but the glow shows if someone has gained a crush, rival, or found their soul mate, which unlocks them from being within dads grasp.

Well then... this seems quite interesting so far...

(A/N) Yay! Look at this! I made my own versions lot my favorite characters again! Ok, anyways. Besides that, I am questioning myself. Like, why the fuck did this seem like a good idea? I had no fuckin clue. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! Bye~!

(Word count- 1427)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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