Chapter 3

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I slept dreamless that night. I tossed and turned all night. We had school tomorrow and this happened every Sunday night.


The alarm clock went off in a screeching noise that ripped my ears apart. I really needed to get a different alarm clock. But that was the least of my worries.

I trudged towards the bathroom to take a scolding hot shower because it always relaxes me down in the mornings. I did my face moisturizing routine.....which took about 30 minutes to an hour. The only thing that kept me going was knowing one day I would be on that broadway show singing Funny Girl to hundreds if people. That was the big dream I had. No one, I repeat no one, would take that away from me.

I got to school and no one payed attention to me today, as usual. The rest if the morning went by with no excitement. Then came 3rd and I saw him and my breath hitched. He was in my trig class. How did I not notice him before. I sat in the back of the class and he sat in the front. I watched him walk out the class as the bell for lunch rang. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I realized I never found out what school he went to, what grade he was in, or even his age. Well, guess from that I found out he's about the same age as me 17 or maybe he was 18. It didn't matter. He was in 12th grade, like me and it looked like he went to my school.

How could I have been so blind. Lunch went by and I didn't see him again until 6th. Again he sat in the front and he didn't notice me. We had trig and world history together. That was a sign right? I laughed at myself, he was not even the least bit interested in me. Why would he even talk to me at school? It would probably ruin his reputation. The bell rang and I waited until he left so he wouldn't see me.

I drove home trying to get him off my mind but some how he always crept back in. I turned on some music but somehow every station had songs that related to how I was feeling and that didn't help.

I got home and started my homework and the frustration that empowered me from the ridiculousness of the problems helped me get my mind off of Luke for a few hours but after that nothing helped.


I looked at the clock, 12:30. Uugghhh. When I going to be able to fall asleep? I tried to sleep again. Nothing. I looked at the clock again, 1:00. That's it. I crept downstairs making sure the stairs didn't squeak and wake my parents up. With my luck I had the ability to be clumsy at the worst times I stubbed my toe on the table leg. It took everything to not cry out. Tears were lining my eyes but I kept walking. Finally what seemed like hours of looking in the dark I found the medicine cabinet. I got a flashlight out of the drawer under the cabinet and looked around the cabinet. I found them. Thank goodness, I found the allergy tablets that knock you out for a good 6 hours at least. I popped in 2 and walked back upstairs slowly feeling my way around, to back sure I didn't stub my toe again. I just stared blankly at the ceiling until the medicine kicked in and am I lucky that they kicked in quick because I couldn't keep my mind from Luke.


Again, my alarmed screamed at exactly 6:30. I felt so groggy. I knew that was gonna happen but It was better than no sleep at all. I repeated my morning routine and drove to school. Today, I would talk to Luke. I would find out if he wanted to talk to me again. If he didn't he would walk away and that would be the end of it. I wouldn't stalk him like a love sick teenage girl, I told myself I would do this whether I wanted to or not and walked into the school and headed to forensics, my first hour, and just then Mr. Skids started class.


The bell rang for the end of second. By then my heart was beating like a drum. I didn't know how I was going to do this but all I knew was that I was going up to him and talk to him. For as long as possible.

By the time I finished giving myself a pep talk I was walking into trig. I got there before him so I waited until after class to talk to him so that we had more time.

Just then he walked in. There he was. Carved by the angels it seemed.


Class went by too fast. In a daze. I mustered all the confidence I had in my tiny frame and walked right up to him. It was time. Now or never. Here I go.

"Luke?" I was surprised by the confidence in my voice.

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