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Piper woke up at around eleven o' clock. She arose to the leaves rustling in the trees and was snapped back into reality to the swish swash of the pool.

She expected to wake up to a bland room staring at the rough, beige ceiling but was instead greeted by her stuffed teddy bear and the dark canopy of Moonlit Woods. Piper sat up and listened to the calming sounds of the night.

Piper sat there for a while until she grew restless, deciding to look around some more.

She walked deeper into the forest and her senses grew sharper as the last traces of her sleep disappeared. She decided to go into the caves and stay there for a bit. Piper went back to the clearing and retrieved her satchel.

Piper ran as fast as lightening back to the cave. She walked inside and found a hole in the top, filtering in the soft moonlight.

Piper found the cave almost as peaceful as the clearing and settled down immediately.

Happiness spread throughout her whole body and a tingle fell down her spine. And then Piper was very curious. She felt something!

Yes, she indeed felt something. Her ragged shorts and top were changing - filtering together to transform a still ragged dress. Piper stared down in awe as the dress brightened until a soft white. She thought in wonder. Is magic really a thing?

And yes, magic was a real thing in Moonlit Woods. For Piper's knotted auburn hair was softened with light tinges of gold and silver.

Piper stared. Crystals grew from the cave walls very much like the time lapse of a growing flower. She picked one, placing it carefully into her bag. Reflections of all colors bounced off around the cave. Red, orange, and yellow. Green, blue, indigo, and purple. Pink and black and gold and silver. Piper felt as if anything, anything was possible. A spark of bravery and determination spread throughout her, like a rabbit traveling throughout long, twisted tunnels.

And then Piper heard something very strange. A soft howl flowed throughout the entire woods, followed by many more. Piper was filled with so much curiosity and excitement she could only utter a single word.


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