Am I Falling For My Bestfriend

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When I woke up in the morning I felt Riccos hand on my waist. I didn't really care so I just got my phone and checked and I had 20 miss calls from my mom and two text messages from her.

My Mom: Hey babe did you get there ok

My Mom: Why the hell aren't u answering is everything ok plz tell me your ok

Me: Sorry mom I just woke up and I'm fine and I will call u later

My Mom: Ok sweetie and how is the new apartment

Me: Idk yet I spent the night at Riccos apartment

My Mom: Awww tell him I said hi

Me: I will

When I was done texting my mom I slowly took Riccos hand off my waist so I didn't wake him up and then I got out off the bed and grabbed the pants I was wearing yesterday and  put them on but I  left his t-shirt on cuz it was super comfortable and then I walked out of his room. when I walked into the living room so that I can leave I saw this random girl on the couch watching tv.

Hannah: Hey

Me: Hey um are u here for one of the boys

Hannah: Yea I'm Sawyers gf

Me: Then why are u out here shouldn't you be in his room with him

Hannah: I'm out here cuz I woke up hella early and I didn't want to wake him up so I thought I would come out here and watch tv

Me: Ok

Hannah: Are u dating Ricco

Me: No we are just friends

Hannah: That's not what it looked like when I accidently walked into his room

Me: We are just super close

Hannah: Ok whatever you say and my name is Hannah btw and whats your name

Me: Isabel

Hannah: You got a really beautiful name

Me: Thank u and I will talk to u later cause I gtg but hopefully I will see you later

Hannah: Bye nice meeting you

Me: You to

After I finished talking to Hannah I walked out the door to get to my car.  When I got to my car I got in and drove to my apartment.

20 minutes later

I finally got to my new apartment I was super excited. so I got out my car and I already had my keys so I walked straight up stairs. When I finally got to my door my neighbor was standing outside.

James: Hey neighbor

Me: Oh hi

James: my name is James what is yours

Me: My name is Isabel

James: Wow what a beautiful name and I didn't expect you to be hella hot but I guess I was wrong

Me: um Thanks

*Incoming Text*

Ricco: Hey where did u go

Me: I left to come to my apartment

Ricco: And you couldn't wake me up

Me: I'm sorry but do u want to come over and help me unpack my stuff

Ricco: Yea I'm on my way and did you steal my shirt 

Me: Ok and yes I did and your never getting it back

Ricco: We will see about that

When I finished texting Ricco I just walked into my apartment and while I was standing in there James came up to the door.

James: Hey do u need help unpacking your stuff

Me: Um yea sure we got to get stuff from in my car

So me and James walked down stairs and took everything out my car and brought it back up stairs. We bring all of it into the house and start to unpack all the stuff. Then I get a call from Ricco.

Me: Hello

Ricco: Hey I'm down stairs what is your apartment number

Me: 283

Ricco: Ok I will be rite up bye

Me: bye

10 minuets later Ricco was knocking on my door so I went to go to open it

Ricco: Hey lol

Me: Hey come in

So he walked in and when he saw James I can tell he got a little mad.

James: Hey man

Ricco: Hey so what are you Isabels bf

James: No but I wish

Me: Wow wow ok um I think u should leave but I promise I will text u later

James: ok bye

And James walked out the door.

Ricco: Aww does someone have a bf

Me: No

Ricco: Mhmmm sure

Me: Whatever

Ricco just looked at me and started laughing.

Me: Whats so funny

Ricco: I love it when u get mad its so cute

Me: Fuck you

Ricco: What Time

When Ricco said that I looked at him and started laughing then I punched him in the arm so he started chasing me around. finally he caught me and scared the shit out of me so I ended up falling on the couch and he started tickling me.

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