"Shit, I see him in the distance." Claudette pointed out. "What happens if we get caught?" You questioned, needing to know. "Let's not find out." She suggested, walking towards a bigger building than the shack. It was extremely tall, and it was warn out. It appeared as an old factory. 

You followed her into building, the only light the moon that creeps through the window, and cracks in the ceiling, a red anonymous light coming from the basement of the place. You curiosity got the best of you and you wandered down the stairs. Two lockers were seen and you heard lots of crackling and moaning. The red light had no source, it just was naturally red.

Your breathing grew heavier, as you starred at the four bloody hook. You slowly back into a wall, false adrenaline kicked in, you quickly fled from the basement. You pulled yourself into the nearest locker and hugged yourself. 

Your hand tightly grabbed your shirt, you closed your eyes. "Are you crazy!? He could of heard you!" Someone growled quietly. You slowly opened the door to see who had said that. A guy pulled you out of the locker and slowly closed it. 

"He has amazing hearing dumb ass." He complained as he grabbed you up the flight of stairs. "Sorry." you grumbled. Once the silence hit, you gazed at him. He was actually kinda cute, he had neatly cut hair, black thick glasses placed on his nose. He was quite pale, a nice neat shirt, cut at the end of his shoulder. Black and red stripped tie, with dirty black jeans.

"Checking me out are me?~" smiled the man. You blushed and defending, "No I wasn't! I just- Shut up!" He laughed, shaking his head. "Learn to take a joke. Don't need to get defensive." You huffed and followed close behind.

"What's your name?" He asked after a few moments silence. You turned your head away from the fog in the distance to him. "Y/n, you?" You locked eyes with him as he stopped to work on the- machine. He seemed to know what was doing, connecting wire, twisting knobs and screwing in a few lose bolts. 

"Dwight, Dwight Fairfeild." He introduced. You nodded, kneeling down by the generator. Your heart began to race, Dwight had the same feeling, he stood from his spot and he was instantly hit. Blood splattered across the ground, the machine, and all over his weapon. 

You ducked further down as Dwight cried in pain. He sprinted away, the crazed man following him. You eyes full of tears. They spilled onto your cheeks and you began to take in deep breaths. In you y/a years of your life, have you never seen so much violence. 

You began to sob as you heard Dwight shriek a second time. "eh there, you okay?" A girl ran up to you. A giant smile on her lips. "Up you go!" She cheered, forcefully grabbing you, pulling you to your feet. 

"I'm Meg! Nice to meet you." The red head announced. You nodded giving her your name, silently crying. "Aww Come on stop crying. We're going to be okay!" Meg bounced. You nodded, you were surprise by how much hope she had. 

A loud cry of pain echoed through the woods. "Dwight." You turned around began to ran. He was another survior and you were going to help him. You silently climb over obstacles and hopped through windows. You could hear the soft whimpers, and moans of pain near by. You walked past a corner to see the cute man dangling from a hook.

You covered your mouth and ran to help him. "No y/n! There's-" Snap. You fell into a bear trap underneath him. You howled in pain. You tried to pry the bear trap from your foot. The  bear trap only dug further into your ankle. You started to cry from the unbearable pain. 

A cold piece of metal smacked into your back. You flopped forward into the dirt. Your ankle felt relief as the killer took the bear trap off of you. He picked you by the back of your shirt. A small gasp escaped your lips. He threw you over his shoulder, as a few feet behind you a light lite up and running generator was roaring. 

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