Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of a ruler slapping against my desk. I shot up and looked around with wary eyes, then I noticed my teacher Mr. Mason glaring at me. 

"Well Miss Andrews, would you like to participate in our discussion? As I'm sure you know, we were talking about world war 2, and how it started. Would you like to take a guess?"

"Isn't that when Hitler came in and said Jews were different so they should all die?" I took a guess though I knew I was way off. I just knew a lot of Jews died because Hitler started the holocaust. At least I think that happened.

My teacher sighed and walked to the front of the class to resume teaching. He said that Hitler was elected into a high political position in Germany and that from there it was easy to take over and get the rest of Germany on his side. Hitler had the army behind him which was later called the Nazis. Long story short, he used this army to take over  a large portion of the world and to imprison Jews in camps where millions died.

When the bell finally rang I got my stuff and ran to the door before the teacher could call me back into the class. School was out so I went to the main exit only to get stopped by bullies. 

Of course, the one day I'm in a rush they have to interfere. Wasn't it bad enough that they messed with me before school, in between classes and at lunch? I squared my shoulders and looked them straight in the eye.

"What do you want?" I said as defiantly as I could.

"My my my, don't we have a feisty little girl." This came from Chelsea, she was a tall skinny red-head who loved to make others miserable. Her favorite target was me. She continued on like we were just friends having a quick chat. "Well as much as you know I'd love to talk, I have business with you.  You have been ignoring us all week. We've talked about this."

"I have been busy. Like I am now. I have to go." As I said this I attempted to push my way past them only to get shoved to the floor and have all of my books and papers fall out of my hands and bag. I tried picking them up but Chelsea and her friends kicked them around to make my life more difficult.

Terra, a short brunette with her hair braided to the side, picked up one paper and after skimming through it she ripped it in half and dropped it onto the ground. At this all of my bullies laughed and walked away, clearly pleased with themselves. I sighed as I held back my tears and quickly picked up my things, including my ripped up homework.

I ran all the way to my house, checking my watch constantly on the way. I got home and saw that my driveway was no longer empty, it had a rusty old truck that belonged to my step dad. For as long as I have known, he has been with my mom because my biological father had abandoned me.

I hesitated to go inside knowing that if I did I would be in more trouble. In the end I decided nothing could be worse than the dreams I had every night. Boy was I wrong. 

As soon as I walked through the door I saw my mom and my step dad glaring at me. My mom walked up to me and slapped me right across the face. I put my hands to the now red spot as my eyes watered. "Where have you been? You were supposed to come straight home!" 

"I-I'm .." 

My step dad walked up to me and punched the side of my face hard enough to knock me to the ground before he started cussing me out. I winced at the words he said and more tears fell down my face. I started to get up but my legs collapsed on me and I lay in a sobbing heap on the ground.

"Why was I cursed with a weak daughter? She can't even stand up. Such a waste. A parasitic piece of trash." My mom said all of this while glaring at me then she threw a book at my head. I whimpered when it hit me and hid behind my arms. My mom snickered then walked away muttering pathetic just loud enough for me to hear.

My step dad however, did not go. He came up to me and put his face close to mine. So close that the smell of the alcohol he's been drinking was overwhelming like a too strong perfume. I silently gagged on this until he grabbed my hair and yanked it hard. I screamed at the pain and thrashed around on the ground. He used my hair to lift my head close to his face and said, "You little piece of trash, think before you go against orders." He yanked my hair up and several strands came out. I squeaked from the pain and gave up resisting. 

* * * * *

I woke up in the entrance hallway to my house. I reached up to my forehead and felt something sticky and wet plastering my hair to my face. I lowered my hand and everything clicked in my head.  When I gave up my "dad" walked away to get a beer. I got slid lower down the wall and let the tears stroll down my face. 

When my dad came back a minute later he was completely drunk and was holding a half empty beer can while he staggered closer to me. His breath stank as he breathed on me again. He grabbed the half empty can and broke it over my head, causing me to lose consciousness and him to walk away laughing with twisted humor.

It was painful to remember any of this and I had a blinding headache from getting so many head injuries. I slowly got up and felt the room spin as I held to the wall for balance. I realized I could only make one trip so I grabbed all of my school supplies and slowly headed to my room. It took a few minutes but once I got to my room I could finally rest easy. 

My room was a safe haven from the rest of the world. It didn't matter what else happened, as long as I was in my room I was safe and sound. I set my bag on my desk and walked to bed and collapsed, sinking slowly into a deep sleep.

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