"Yeah, hey bud. What did you need? Didn't know you still had my number."

"Haha, yeah I am surprised that it is still the same, to be honest. I can't believe I was that lucky," Wilson's voice was always smooth and confident on the line. He had been since they were kids. He could stare down the biggest bully in school and just talk his way around him. Ben thought that was a trait that he wanted to immolate from his best friend, and he did. "So anyway, I was calling because I needed to attend the Governor's Dinner that the restaurant was hosting for a little bit and thought that you and Kristi would like to come. It would give her a chance to get some shots of me with a lot of the people in the community for the magazine. And then, you and I can get a couple of beers after if you want?"

"Well, you know that Kristi would a chance to work more during a day. I am sure that we can make it what time. I will just need to make sure that Kristi is on board."

"I know you didn't plan on something like this, so I have a friend with a boutique right down from your hotel. He will have everything you need. I will cover any cost that you guys accumulate. Max will take care of you, besides I don't think you will look bad in anything that you would pick out."Ben didn't know why, but his cheeks went red with embarrassment at his friend's words.

Ben was distracted by his phone conversation, and he didn't hear the door open to the hotel room. "Hun, have you talked to the front desk to get awake...Baby, who you talking to." Kristin inquired as Ben ended the call on his phone.

Ben looked at her like he had been caught doing something that he shouldn't be. Why was he acting like this? He was just talking to his friend on the phone. "Yeah, no. That was Wilson. He wanted us to come to some Governor's Dinner that the restaurant is hosting. He said it would be a chance for you to get a shot of him with some of his clients that like to frequent his restaurant."

"That's great, but I didn't pack anything that would allow me admittance to a Governor's dinner."

"He covered that too. We need to head down to this boutique by the hotel, and he has a credit line for us to use. Said to ask for Max." Ben knew that Wilson had obviously made money with his high concept restaurant, but he just didn't realize how much. He guessed that tonight will be a real eye-opener for him getting to see how important his old best friend had become. "I just have to find my shoes and we can head over there."

The walk over to this boutique was a quick walk right across the street, and there was little, to no traffic in the town on this Tuesday. Ben wondered when this town picked up. There didn't seem to be many tourist spots, but there were a lot of mom and pop places that intrigued Ben. The place that Wilson had set the credit up for them was a fancy upscale place. The kind that catered to the upper class of society, but that never put Ben off places. He didn't care where he fit in or didn't. Something told him that knowing Wilson in this town was going to open a lot of doors for him.

The change in the light as they step through the large wood framed glass door was jarring. As their eyes adjusted, they heard, "Good day, how might I help you out today?" His tone was light and cheer. The man speaking to them was a little shorter than Ben, but then again, most people were. He had chestnut brown hair and clean shaven face.

"Yes, Wilson Corley sent us over to you for come clothes."

"Yes, Mr. Rich and Mrs. Carmichael glad to make your acquaintance. I am Maxwell Denny, the owner of this boutique. You just missed Wilson. He popped in a little bit ago and said you two would be by. Attending the Governor's Dinner tonight with him? I think I might have the thing for each of you." The man was definitely good at his job. Ben had never like to shop for clothes opting for his basic tee and jeans when not in a button up for work, but this man had him a little excited about getting some fancy clothes. Kristi, on the other hand, was in heaven. Ben saw her looking wall-eyed at all the custom jewelry that was near the front entrance.

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