Movement 1: I have to work with HIM?!

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                    "And a-one, two, three, JUMP!" I recited to myself as I practiced my portion of the dance for our performance. My audience being Kirsten and a few of my other mates who were part of the presentation. "Whew, that was a tough one." I said to myself as I wiped the sweat off my brow.

                     Kirsten ran up to me excitedly, "Oh my god, Matt, you're totally gonna be the star of the show during the musical!" I'm probably gonna be the star of the show because I'm the only one doing a solo number during the performance.

                     "Yeah, you were great out there!" One of the girls said from behind her.

                     "No you weren't, you're gonna mess up onstage, in front of the whole school." I thought to myself, darkly. I shook my head, no negative thoughts, Matt! Instead, I gave a thumbs up. "Thanks guys! I know you guys will do great onstage as well!" I clapped my hands and shouted, "Alright guys, take five!"

                      Soon, most of the other dancers stopped their music as well and we all sat down. People were drinking water, socializing with the other dancers and such. The door to the gymnasium suddenly opened. In came fucking Xander Volfson, walking in like he owned the place. I glared at him and said, "Um, excuse me? I think you're in the wrong room, bub." I poked his chest angrily.

                        He put his hands up, "Chill, I just wanted to ask if I could join the dance number." Suddenly, the gym was silent. Xander Volfson, one of the most popular guys in school, wanted to join OUR production number.

                        One of the choreographer's eyes lit up, "Yes, absolutely!" She said pushing him towards me. "You can join Matt in his solo, so I guess now it's a duet!"

                        To say that I was angry is an understatement, I was fucking LIVID. Xander fucking Volfson goes in and joins the performance and he had to join my solo performance. "So, I guess we're working together then, Tom." He said to me.

                         "Who gave him the right to call me Tom?" I fumed angrily to myself. "Don't think I'm happy about that." I snarled. "Well, since you're joining me. You may as well watch me first and then I'll teach you the choreography later, we still have 2 months to practice anyway." I said, deciding to let go of my bitterness, it wouldn't do good here.

                          "Alright then." He said as he went off to the side. "You'll do your best, yeah?" He requested with a thumbs up. I fought hard against the blush that threatened to rise to my cheeks.

                           I did the breathing exercises that my mom once taught me. "Can you play the music?" I asked Xander. Once he pressed play, I began to prepare myself. Once the lyrics began, I began to move as well. People have described my style of dancing as a mix between contemporary dancing and ballet. I made sure to move to the beat, no mistakes. Soon, the part that called for a jump came up.

                          "One, two, three, jump." I whispered to myself softly, as I jumped. I nailed the landing, but the dance isn't done yet. As the tempo of the music slowed down, so did I. After one last intense round of dancing, filled with all sorts of fast and upbeat movement, the song slowed down once again, and finally ended. I took a deep breath, slightly tired from all the practice. I opened my eyes to see Xander staring at me in awe, and I had to blush because I'm not used to people staring at me.

                          "That was..." He was struggling to find the right words to say, he eventually settled for an awestruck, "Amazing!" 

                           I shushed him. "I get it, I did good... but, I feel like it's not enough." I said that last part mostly to myself.

                           "No, you don't understand!" He said, shaking his head. "When you move, it's just... so amazing. You never miss a beat, and you have a certain energy to you and it's almost infectious!" When he said that, it felt like my chest suddenly exploded with happiness.

                           "Y-you really think so?" I muttered while looking away to hide my blush. He suddenly put his hands on my chest and smiled at me. His smile was so bright, and it made me feel all fluttery inside. "No, don't get a crush on him. Right now, he's your rival and he wants to steal your spotlight." I thought darkly to myself.

                             "Yeah!" He said, the goofy smile still on his face. "When we perform out there, they won't be looking at me. They'll be looking at you, and how amazing you are at dancing." He complimented yet again.

                               I just stared at him, a dopey grin on my face. This feeling was foreign to me, yet it felt so... good. Apparently I'd been staring at him for too long since he snapped his fingers in front of me.

                   "Earth to Tom?" He joked, not knowing that I was staring at him because he was so darned handsome with that goofy smile on his face. "Practice is almost over, we should start to wrap up. You can just teach me the choreography tomorrow!" He said. "Wait... is there practice tomorrow?" He asked.

                    "Y-yes! Practice is everyday, at the same time. We take a week off before finals and then practice resumes as usual." I answered.

                     "Why do we have to practice for 2 months? Is the production number that big?" He asked another question.

                     "It's super big, dance numbers, songs and sometimes even a part from a musical play!" I answered him, giddy at the thought of the production number, having performed in it for 2 years counting this one.

                       "Alright everyone, practice is over! You guys stay safe!" One of the other choreographers, I think her name was Fiora, shouted out.

                       "So... er... see you tomorrow, I guess?" Xander said while rubbing his neck and avoiding eye contact. Awwwww is the hotshot of this school embarrassed?

                        I settled for a simple, "Yeah, see ya tomorrow." Which was said with a bit more hostility than I intended to.

                        This shocked Xander, as his eyes were wide and he quickly turned around and left the auditorium without so much as speaking a word.

And it was going so well too...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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