"Cass it wasn't your fault and im fine i promise. I'm not hurt and he hasn't laid a hand on me since he...... If im honest he feels as guilty as hell for what he did i know your not gonna believe me but he's not as bad as you think. I hate his guts for what he did but he has tried to make it up to me not that he could but he's tried"

I couldn't believe my fucking ears what shit was he spouting if he thought for one minute i wasn't going to kill that bastard he had another thing coming.

"Harper what the hell are you talking about he fucking raped you?"

 I screamed down the phone. My body was shaking and i couldn't tell if it was the adrenaline or the fact that i was wet and cold  or possibly both.

"I'm aware of that cass but he hasn't laid a hand on me since .He  thought you were doing the same thing .He thought you were forcing me in to a relation ship i didn't want to be in . He was led to believe you were hurting me it wasn't his intention to do the same. I know that you can't understand why im defending him  but please trust me he's not what you think well not any more."

I took a deep breath and tried to control the anger bubbling up inside me. How the hell hell could he defend a man that killed his mother ,Kidnapped him and fucking raped him. Was he brain washed or something?

"Cass p-please don't be mad at me i know you don't understand  and i promise i will explain every thing once i come home .But i need you to promise me you wont do anything to Radcliff."


I took another deep breath and tried to calm my self then something struck me . He said he was coming home what did he mean.

"Wait what do you mean when you come home ?Have you escaped where are you i'll come and get you right now."

I jumped off the bed in a frenzy and ran towards the closet i was so grateful i had a cordless phone or the run to the closet would have ended up with me strangling my self.

"Cass calm down."

His giggle brought me out of my frenzy and helped my body relax. I noticed he didn't seem panicked   or afraid hell he seemed just fine.

"Harper what's going on ? "

He stopped giggling and took a long pause that almost made my dam heart stop.

"Like i said things are not a they seem. Me and radcliff came to an understanding he was  under the assumption that i was brainwashed in to believing i was in love with you. I told him he was wrong so we made a deal. Though im pretty sure he only made this deal because he was to dam scared to tell someone how he felt about them. Anyway i agreed to stay and help him get the person he was in love with which i did so  my part of the deal is done and im coming home."

My mind was reeling what the hell was going on my mind couldn't keep up .

"To be honest he told me to stay SIX months to figure out if what i felt for you was real or some type of attachment i had developed because of my parents selling me to you but i know and i think he has realised that my feelings for you are real ."

My heart was beating out of my chest and my mind was blank

"Your feelings?"

His sweet chuckle made my heart leap dam i had it bad .How the hell could a nineteen year old boy bring a full grown arsed  man to his knees just by talking about feelings. Fuck i felt like a needy teenager.

"Yea Cass my feelings"

 He took a deep breath and sighed.

"C-cass im in love with you. I have been for a while now i wanted to tell you face to face but i just needed to say it. Being  away from you for so long  has been hell but it made me realise just how much i really do love you. I know you probably think its my hormones or something like that but its not i swear."

I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and smiled.

"I love you too harper i always have now i need you to tell me one thing.


He replied sounding like he was crying.

"when are you coming home?"


Okay guys there are only a few more chapters to go  ill be starting the second book to this in a few weeks  but I'm gonna finish off the books I've been neglecting  as well so please be patient. Once the book is completed i am going to Edit it because im not happy with some of the chapters i may even change a couple completely so keep an eye out.  

BOUGHT & BOUND (malexmale) 18+Where stories live. Discover now