A Message From Not To Far Away

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Chapter 1: Unexpected Meeting

*Laura's POV*

I was born a slave, a slave to become a princess, or so I hoped. There was nothing more in this world that I wanted but to be able to see a castle. Alas, that shall never occur, for I am only a mere slave, a slave that shall never become a princess.

I sighed heavily when I was finally done scrubbing the floors. As I was working, all I could think of was how I ended up in this place, why did my parents have to die, how did they die? It was all so confusing. I can't remember anything, the only thing I can remember is a woman screaming at me and my brother to run. The village we lived in, was small, and it was divided into two sections, well actually three. The rich and the poor, the third is a middle section where the average lived, Mistress Agnus was among the average. Mistress Agnus was a young widow who dispised children. When she first took us in, everyone in the small neighborhood thought she was so kind hearted. The real reason she took us in was because she wanted the fair wage that was given to her by each child she took in, since she took us both in the wage doubled for each person. The wage was supposed to be used for taking care of us, but the only thing she did with the extra money was go buy herself a new outfit. Each day, she would bring us one loaf of bread and two half cups of milk that were required to be washed and dried when we were done eating. We basically starved everyday and everynight. Sometimes, I would hear my little brother, Roy, crying. When I would ask him what was wrong he say it was nothing, that he just misses mom and dad, but I knew that was not the only reason. He was hungry. By the way he clutched his stomach and the way he shook told me he was hungry. Late at night, I would sometimes hear his stomach growling, and screaming begging for food. After that I started eating less myself to leave some more food for my brother, he was always too hungry to noticed. The hunger never bothered me much since I was so used to it. Being a 16 year old and all it was hard to keep up with the classes they gave at church every day and to be able to keep up with work Mistress Agnus gave me at home. Roy, who is 14 years old, is old enough to come but he gets teased alot by the other kids there for being an orphan who has to clean and cook like a girl, honestly I'm the one doing most of the stuff, but he still chooses not to go. The kids dont dare tease me, they know that if anyone gets on my nerves, they're dead. "Laura, get down here right now young lady. Why are the cups I gave you for milk this morning not washed?" demanded Mistress Agnus from downstairs in the kitchen. I sighed heavily as I made my way down. Can this day get any worse?

*Prince James's POV*

I was so bored I practically threw myself on my bed. There was never anything to do in Shadecastle. I try so hard to get a servant in the castle to let me help them but they just shoo me away and says it is not proper for me to help and not proper for them to talk to me. My younger sister, Samantha, is always playing with her dolls, she has so many it's impossible to count them all. I am too old to play with such silly things, she begs me so hard to play with her but I just kick her out of my room and tell her to go ask mom or dad to play with her. She gets mad when I do that because she knows that I know that mom and dad, also known as King John and Queen Katherine of Wollaok, are much to busy to care for their own children. I sighed remembering the last time Queen Katherine had played with me, the memory came too foggy and it seemed so unreal. It happened 3 years ago when I was 14 years old, my parents were going to Wollaok Lake for a visit and wanted to take us with them. My mom was sitting next to me and my sister on the carriage while dad sat in the front with the man steering the carriage. All she did the whole time was talk to us. We cracked jokes and had thumb wars, it was the most fun any of us had in a long time. Shortly after my grandparents fell ill, my mother became very busy making sure they had enough doctors and nurses to care of them, she kind of forgot about us. Not ti be trying to insult my own mother or anything but who forgets their own children? I prayed everynight that grandmother and grandfather would get well as soon as possible so mom would remember us again. I got up and shook the memories away, there was nothing I could do but hope for the best. I slowly walked downstairs to the stable where I told the servent I was going out and would be back soon. He grunted something and I was about to confront him about being more respectful of his royals but, he had already picked me up, sat me down on the saddle and I was on my way in the direction of the village. I guess I'll just have to tell him another time.

*Laura's POV*

"Laura, are you done cleaning? Come here right now I need you to get me a dozen eggs. Be back in 15 minutes!" said Mistress Agnus.

"I'll be right there Mistress Agnus" I screamed back at her. I wished she would die.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady! You should be grateful that I'm taking you and your greedy brother in, I could have left you in the orphanage where I found you, NOW GO!!" she was practically yelling for me to get out. I was scared she would anything to my brother so I quickly left taking the money she had left on the table. I hate my life. I slammed the door as I left. She screamed something when I left but I couldnt hear what it was. I scowled all the way to the supermarket.

STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! What's that sound? It must just be me, I was stomping like and idiot a few moments ago, I slowed down and started walking softly like someone normal. The stomping didn't stop. Scared, I stopped to see what was going on, I looked all around to try and see what it was. I saw nothing. I gave up and started walk..........

"Watch it!" Huh? What's happening? What's that sou......

Authors Note:

I hope you guys liked it, this is my first story so dont judge, if anyone wants me to finish it then I will but if no one is interested I'll start from scratch and try to make a book you guys would like to read!!!! Comment or leave me a message if you would like me to finish. Btw I don't mind rude comments as long as their truthful. I will take the advice written in them and try to improve. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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