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Cupcake Star: Wouldn't it make more sense for Chilhuahua to be Swelterrier's younger brother? 

Swelterrier: No actually we're not related. Though we may seem similar we not brothers. But it an honest mistake really. Sorta of like confusing Grubstitch for Wantson. 

(Chilhuahua enters)

Chilhuahua: It is like he said. I am the guardian of the ice clan and a big brother as well. I am always there to save humans from blizzards, along with helping ice yo kai with their problems. (shoots a look at Swelterrier) So if any one is to hurt Blizzaria phyically or mentally I will turn them into snowman for six million years. (has his wand out)

Swelterrier: Oh, brother in laws. 

Till next time

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