The Perfect Time Machines

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It was during the fall of 2016 when I finally decided to shift here ; to my own hometown. At first, I was unable to adjust with the people around here. It felt like I was an alien to my own home. Maybe, the reason was for ten years, I haven't been here. But that was not my choice. The separation wasn't easy, but the excitement of working in a capital city really mitigated my sorrows of departure.

The atmosphere got its clearance; no clouds working on to carry the load of earth's surviving droplets. The sun has won the race and just left the enormous mountains under the empire of its rays. Challenging the empire of rays , are the the cage free birds, spreading their wings to celebrate the freedom of belongness. But the art isn't completed. The whole set of panoramic image is just rooted deep into my heart.

"Why are you troubling your eyes?"
"It just makes me feel that I am finally back to my home, mom ."
"That's really good," said my mom while working on to preapare lunch," Sonam,why don't you go and converse with your grandfather and grandmother ." That just added an essence of extra energy in my body.

It has been only four days of my return from Thimphu to this beautiful village, Batasey. Till now, the beauty of my own place is just presenting my mind to have all the happiness.
But that doesn't complete my story, I still feel a small part of room in my heart is just being kept for a boredom.

Sitting out there on chairs,with face glowing with smile are my grandfather and grandmother; the hands not to be left without sticks. Their laughters recalled their past which actually elucidates the meaning that they have discovered from their journey. The most reasonable reason just incepted in front of my eyes. Perfect to be called, they are just the meaning to call upon the past and to the future.

" Hey, come here my boy," grandfather called me to their place . A bit of hesitation run over my mind and my acrobatics showed how reluctantly I was making my way to approach them. This makes me realize how accustomed to city life I had become over years. Shifting from the city is a kind of devastation to my frame of mood. "Sit here my boy." said my grandfather with a grin over his face.Grandmother, to her age old experience noticed my face and said, " You look really disturbed," and with concern over her face questioned me, " tell us what happened? "
" Nothing as such granny, " I said reluctantly, " I am not used to in village. Its just that I am having no friends here."
"Oh! That is a real big deal, Sonam," said my grandpa, " but don't worry, you will get one very soon. Its just that you haven't stepped out from your home to catch the whole glimpse of this village."

The rays from the sun went on marking the noon. The passage, which is just a few metres away from my home yard got the pictures of footprints from the villagers who had been working in their field, and now returning as to obey their hunger.

" When we were young like you, there wasn't any limit to our works, " said my grandpa," we used to wake up every morning , long before the sun , when it wasn't easy for eyes to coordinate our movements. "
After what grandpa just told , an uneasy laughters started to fill up the atmosphere. It isn't from me. So apprehensive, it is from my grandma. A quick smile just passed over my face.
" It would be a different world to you ,Sonam," said my grandma after having done with her laughters, which actually ruined grandpa's interest, " but that really was the reality we had been through." Just tuned to their narration , the very pictures of their childhood stories started to portray in my mind. Then the sequence started to begin from my grandpa, " Back then, there wasn't any alarms at our disposal, but that doesn't mean we didn't have faith for tomorrow. The very thought of working in fields used to boost our interest. We used to be so happy with the world that we were gieven to live with." My mind is floating with grandpa's narration. It is quite interesting to figure out that I haven't left any of his part without potraying it to my mind. To my eagerness, grandpa just resumed his narration,"Then slowly, clouds of sadness over came in our life. It was when schools were opened for children. It felt like someone has just marked the shadows to our interest."
" But what was so bad with schools?" I just interrupted grandpa. With a moment of laughters , grandpa again resume," Back then, we had no ideas about education. It was like a moth to a flame. That time, going to schools meant destroying yourself from the interest that we used to have working in fields. The most funniest part was that our parents also had no wish to sent us to schools. To them, it just meant decrease in labourers . They used to think that would make the best profit by not sending us to schools. Then came the funniest of drama. The hide and seek game, to be precise it was more of war than a game. Parents used to hide their children evrytime when some educational officials made their presence in village to request for school admissions ." Grandpa stops with his narration.

My mother came showing grin over her face. " What's so special going on?" said my mother," well, lunch is ready now." It just made me realize how much hungry I was feeling. My father had not moved his position to my notice. The news really is fascinating his eyes. He is up to BBS till now.

While making our way to dinning hall, grandpa stoped me and said ," The reason I shared you my story is that I want you to think over your life, and one day you got to narrate to your children," he paused a while, and with smiling face, he just continued, "this trend must not die till you. I know you don't need wings , but that doesn't mean you don't have to fly. "

After listening to grandpa , it feels like someone has just fix wings to my mind. My mind started to fly me away. It is taking me in the past and just knocked my consciousness about what it will be like in future. What stories are we going to narrate our children?

My grandpa and grandma, with wrinkles on thier face , still with hopes to count their breaths are the one who just killed my boredom. Now, I think I have done a right job by coming back at home from the city.

In a nutshell, all elders were the one, not to portray their present, once adorned with youth have faith as the relict now. To immerse in the clutches of feelings, they really are the one to call upon the past and to the future; the PERFECT TIME MACHINES.

Author's note:
I have not mastered in writing short stories, so I believe you would take that as an advantage to correct me . If you find any kind of mistakes, please do comment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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