Fixing problems

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Jade's P.O.V

We have been in here for 10 minutes yelling, well more Luke interrupting me mid sentence.

"Just let m-" I try again

"No! Just no! I can't believe you Jade! How coul-" now It's my turn.

"ALRIGHT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! STOP INTERRUPTING MID SENTENCE!" I scream at him. He looks taken aback and he stays quiet.

"I didn't cheat on you Luke. Nash was being mobbed at school by a group of girls. He is my friend so I went over to help him. I got him away from the group and he gave me a hug and thanked me. That's all that happened. Nothing else. I promise you. I would never cheat on you Luke. I love you and that will never change." I say without him butting in.

"Yeah right." He mumbles.

"If I didn't love you would I still be wearing this!?" I yell showing him the promise ring he got me.

"You promised me that you would stay by my side through everything. Always" I say tears welling up in my eyes.

Luke doesn't say anything. I go to walk out, I open the door and Luke slams it shut with his palm. He turns me around and holds my waist. He stares at me like he is thinking then he smashes his lips against mine. I am a bit surprised by his action but I don't pull away, I just wrap my arms around his neck an he wraps his hands on my waist. He pushes me against the door. My lower back smashes the door knob.

"Ow" I say and we both laugh.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry Jade. For everything. For not believing you, for not listening, for not keeping my promise. From now on I will let you explain and I will keep my promises. I love you Jade. Always." Luke says pressing his lips to mine again.

I hear a big bang on the door and jump. Luke just laughs.

"Well we haven't heard yelling for like twenty minutes so either your hooking up or doing it so get out. Unless your doing it then carry on!" We hear Michael yell.

We both laugh and I blush in embarrassment. Luke lifts my chin up and pecks my lips.

"Time really does fly when your having fun. Let's go" Luke winks, grabbing my hand and exit the room.

"Are you two back together?" Calum asks.

"Yes we are" Luke says.

"YAY! I hate miserable Luke!" He says giving Luke a bro hug.

"Haha you guys are weird. I'm going to the bathroom" I say walking off.

I look at my face and it's a mess. My hair is all over the place, my eyes are red from crying. I need to fix this. I pull my hair into a messy bun and wash my face. I take off my bracelets because my wrist is getting a bit sweaty and I see all the scars. Old and new. Yeah I know I promised Luke and Ashton I wouldn't do it again but all the hate on twitter got to me. I feel my eyes well up in tears again and I just let them fall. Thinking about all the name I was called, everything that was said to me.




Just go kill yourself

Luke doesn't deserve you

We all knew this was going to happen you can just sense she is a slut

I couldn't take it, so I cut my self when i was back home. I feel worse about it because of the promise I made to Luke and Ashton, I dont know if i should tell them. What will they do? will they yell, tell my mum, hate me forever? Will Luke dump me? I put my bracelets back on, calm myself down and go back out.

"Hey are you okay you were gone for a while." Luke asks when he sees me coming out of the bathroom.

"Oh yeah im fine, just needed to fix my face, i looked horrible" I lie, I cant tell him.

"You didnt look horrible, you look beautiful." Luke says kissing my cheek.

We go side stage so Luke can grab his guitar and go in stage.

"Good Luck!" I say kissing him.

"Thanks babe but it's only sound check." he says

"Yeah but still" I say laughing as he walks on stage.

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