Chapter 19: A Soothing Subaru (Subaru, All)

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"Reiji!" I squeaked as he stood watching like a statue. 

Raising my free hand up I clenched it into a fist. All of my strength packed into the punch, but instead, my shoulder was wrenched backward. Another scream filled my mouth and drowned my words, rubbing my windpipes raw. 

Every ounce of the strength I'd stored in my arm had been transferred into pulling it out of its socket at the most agonizing angle. Putting a foot on Kanato's head, I turned and to my horror, found Reiji holding my forearm in a vice-grip. His red eyes were dilated, his face was a mask, his nostrils were flared widely.

As soon as the scent of my blood hit the air, I was done for.

Unable to bear the scent any longer, he peeled his lips away from his teeth and let out a guttural snarl that shook my skull. Both of my arms were pinned. I'd only my legs to protect me now. I'd take them one at a time; I packed my energy into pushing Kanato's head away.

Another scream ripped from my throat and pierced the air as Reiji's teeth sunk ravenously into the back of my neck, systematically biting around to the side. He'd pulled my arm so that I was spread between him and Kanato across the bed. Pulled tight, I couldn't do much more than focus my legs on one or the other.

"More, more, more," Reiji muttered reverently, his teeth slitting my skin as he talked to the veins beneath.

"You're pissing me off!" Kanato screeched so suddenly from beneath my foot, that I jarred myself against Reiji's grip on my dislocated shoulder. Our yells mingled in the air, making my ears vibrate and my soul tremble. "I'll rip your stupid foot off, human!"

"I'm Miyako!" I shouted back, but he wasn't listening.

He was making his way to the crook of my elbow, so I landed my foot on his nose. There wasn't enough strength in the blow; that realization sent my stomach plummeting as the lilac-vamp peeled his head away and glowered up at me. Digging the fingers of one hand into my arm, he snatched at my foot with the other, but I swung it out of his range too vigorously, accidentally hitting Reiji in the stomach. The older brother snarled and bit too close to my esophagus for comfort.


I jerked my head around, causing Reiji's fangs to tear violently through my skin. In the doorway stood Shu with a struggling Ayato in a headlock. The red-headed triplet was trying desperately to escape the eldest brother's clutches but to no avail. Shu smashed Ayato's face into the doorframe; once, twice, three times... until the triplet passed out. The sight was horrifying, yet, I could imagine that I posed quite a similar, morbid scene.

"Subaru, finish off Laito already!" Shu growled, appearing by my side and attempting to tear Reiji off of me.

"Shu, Shu stop!" At this point, it was my shoulder that was pleading through my lips. "Get him to let go!"

Shu shifted his tactic instantly, putting his hand under Reiji's wrist and twisting it unnaturally backward. The black haired vampire howled in pain, releasing me.

"You worthless good for nothing!" Reiji threw himself at his brother, teeth bared.

"Tch," Shu answered, dodging Reiji's poorly calculated strikes. "While I'm saving Miyako, tell me, what are you doing that is so valuable?"

Nevermind that.

My attention turned to Kanato. The moment my eyes laid fuzzily upon the lilac-headed vamp, he growled territoriality as if my arm was currently his property. In my hesitation, however, he lunged up my arm, knocking me back against the bed and throwing a leg over me. His ankles hitched over my legs holding them down with the weight of his body.

"Kanato, please, stop," I pleaded, attempting to move my heavily bleeding arm and raising it up above me. My twisted one seemed unwilling to respond. "You're going to drain my blood dry and once it's gone, you can never have it again..."

"Never again," he echoed, taking my bleeding arm between his two hands and bringing it to his lips. "You are mine forever."

"Kanato, please," I was losing consciousness.

"You are whiny. I wonder, what would Teddy think...?"

Teddy's not here... where is Teddy? Oh no...

I could almost see the decision forming in his eyes. Panic welled up in my throat.

"No don't-!"

Air whooshed all too quickly. Colors blurred around me until darkness and quiet settled thickly over us. I couldn't tell where we were. The doll room? My vision was growing blotchy.

"Ne," he crooned, lapping up my blood with long licks. "I do not like sharing, Miyako."

"If you refuse to share, then you cannot have me at all," I whispered, clenching my bloody fist. My eyes hardened, staring him down as his tongue traced along the length of the wound with his eyes closed in ecstasy. But even as my gaze solidified on him, what I was seeing was slowly fading away. The world was desaturating. 

"Kanato... I want to stay with you... what will happen when I'm gone?" I worried, my eyes growing weary and teary with anxiety. What then? Will the next girl treat them right? "You told me you wanted a piece, I can't give it to you if I'm dead! Kanato, how else am I supposed to be here for you?"

"Your expression - you're so stupid. Fear for your own life!"

"But..." a tear slipped out from the corner of my eye and trickled toward my hairline. 

Breathing was difficult; I felt so heavy. When the pain disappeared entirely, it wasn't long until I was done for completely. 

Diabolik Lovers: RecoveryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin