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My love My heart My Everything
I give you everything
Every part of me is yours
I declare my love to u
Your my flower
My ray of sunlight on my darkest days
My Queen.....You are mine
I accept you and respect you
Through ur flaws and imperfections
I tell you your Beautiful and you tell me ur ugly
You may not trust in yourself but
Trust in me when I say
You are Beautiful in my eyes no matter what
Beauty is not just upon a face
It's your body, your mind, your spirit, your soul, your personality
You are Beautiful in every way
I see it more and more each and everyday I spend with you
No matter what obstacles you have to go through I promise you I will be right there by your side
I may not be there physically but I will be there emotionally and spiritually
I'll be that voice in the back of your head
All you have to do is listen to me
Listen to me and I'll guide you
Guide you down the path
The path of our love
My love is strong
Strong enough for the both of us and our family
I love you more than I can ever express in words
You are MINE and you are BEAUTIFUL
And if you do I'll remind you every day
I love you too fucking much to ever let u go
I will wait years for you Mi Amor
My love My heart My Everything
You are Mine
                             By: Mya J

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