Chapter 2

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Ashton's nose burned from all the new scents assaulting it but he was still curious. He picked up a backpack that was left by the fire and drug it carefully into the forest, out of sight of the tent and stood up on his human feet with it. He unzipped it and carefully layed the contents out to examine. It was mostly cooking utensils and dry food. Some things he recognized like bread, and crackers. Others things were a little strange to him, like a couple bottles of Coca Cola, some brown liquid. He hesitated a minute, swishing the contents around before unscrewing the top. It made an aweful hissing noise and sticky sweet liquid gushed out over his hand. He hurriedly screwed the top shut again. He shook the sticky liquid from his hand, then sniffed his hand. He shrugged and licked the syrupy stuff from his hand and arm. Impressed by the flavour he sat the bottle he'd opened to the side and kept digging. He pulled out a bag of marshmallows some fluffy white blobs. He sniffed them and noticed two more bags, then grinned. He set one aside, they wouldn't notice it missing he thought his eyes dancing with excitement. He sifted through the bag some more and came up with a couple bags of hard candies and chocolate. He snuck out a couple smaller and less noticable ones for himself and repacked the bag. He sat it on the ground and bent down onto his paws before picking the bag up in his teeth. He figured that if they caught him they'd be less freaked out by a wolf in their camp than some strange naked guy. He replaced the pack to where it was and moved around the camp looking at everything else. Suddenly a whistling noise called out that was like no bird he'd ever heard. He turned to see something glowing from the seat of the chair. There was a strange glow eminating from a little rectangle card like thing. He stretched his nose out to sniff it. It smelled of the blonde girl like it rarely left her person. His eyes lit up remembering her doing something with it where she looked at pictures. He picked it up carefully in his teeth and retreated back into the trees again. He stood up and gracfully dropped the device into his waiting hands. It wasn't very heavy but felt a little warm to the touch. One side was like glass and the other side wa plain apart from a logo. He examined it until he found buttons on the outer edge and tried them. One caused the glass piece to light up. It had the date and digital time, and it said swipe to unlock. He clumbsily tried what he'd seen the blonde girl do. The glowing screen gave way to a menu he stared at in amazement. He didn't understand much of it but he pressed the item labeled gallery, because it had pictures. He smiled when he saw the two girls smiling back at him. They both had ridiculous grins. They looked like happy people. He drug his finger across the screen and more pictures showed up of the girls. He did this a couple more time before he came across and cat. He'd never personally met a cat. They'd never had one up here on the mountain, unless you counted the cougar that lived a few miles north. This one was kinda cute he had to admit. It was mostly white with black and orange patches all over it. There were more pictures of the girl and people who were obviously her friends. He sighed and lowred the device. He had to get back soon or Kyle would be looking for him and furious. He returned the phone to the chair and grabbed his booty of candy and pop. He skirted around the campsite and back home to the cabin. He kept his eyes and nose peeled but no one was around. He slipped silently in the front door,  and tiptoed up the stairs.  The second from the top he skipped, it always creaked and Sam would hear him. He had stopped in the forest and picked a secret place to hide his stash of goodies. They were buried under an ugly old stump.  It was close to a huge bunch of wildflowers that would throw off any wolf's nose. He slunk past the girl's bedroom. Then came Sam's. He was just past Sam's door when it creaked open. Ashton froze, staring at his older brother/guardian.

"Hi." he said.  Trying to bluff his way through his guilt.

"Just getting back?" he asked, gesturing to Ashton's lack of clothing.  Ashton laughed nervously. 

"They were up really late drinking some terrible drink that smelled like rotten bread." he said. Sam's eyes softened an inkling. He must know what the drink is.

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